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Winston Churchill Carti

Winston Churchill - Anii tineretii mele (Autobiografia)

Winston Churchill – Anii tineretii mele (Autobiografia)

Pret ≈ 57 RON / Bookzone / Herald
Cititorii care cunosc contributia lui Winston Churchill la politica mondiala in special in ultima parte a vietii sale vor fi incantati sa regaseasca in acest volum autobiografic parcursul timpuriu si anii formatori ai unuia dintre cei mai influenti p

Anii tineretii mele | Winston Churchill

Anii tineretii mele | Winston Churchill

Pret ≈ 59 RON / Carturesti / Herald
Cititorii care cunosc contributia lui Winston Churchill la politica mondiala in special in ultima parte a vietii sale vor fi incantati sa regaseasca in acest volum autobiografic parcursul timpuriu si anii formatori ai unuia dintre cei mai influenti p

Kids Readers Winston the Wizard Level 1 - Melanie Williams

Kids Readers Winston the Wizard Level 1 – Melanie Williams

Pret ≈ 33 RON / Libris / Melanie Williams
Pearson English Kids Readers bring the joy of reading to young learners of English. Children will love discovering the range stories and topics in this series – adventures fairy tales popular characters the world around us. With more than 70 titles a

Anii tineretii mele - Winston Churchill

Anii tineretii mele – Winston Churchill

Pret ≈ 75 RON / Libris / Winston Churchill
Cititorii care cunosc contributia lui Winston Churchill la politica mondiala in special in ultima parte a vietii sale vor fi incantati sa regaseasca in acest volum autobiografic parcursul timpuriu si anii formatori ai unuia dintre cei mai influenti p

Istoria Americii - Winston Churchill

Istoria Americii – Winston Churchill

Pret ≈ 45 RON / Libris / Winston Churchill
Pentru aceasta lucrare deosebita celebrul Winston Churchill a fost rasplatit cu prestigiosul Premiu Nobel in anul 1953. Nascut dintr-o mama americanca el a fost foarte atasat de aceste taramuri a caror istorie a abordat-o de la sosirea primilor colon

Winston Churchill reporting

Winston Churchill reporting

Pret ≈ 30 RON / Anticexlibris /
Long before his finest hour as Britain’s wartime leader Winston Churchill emerged on the world stage as a brazen foreign correspondent covering wars of empire in Cuba …

Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill

Pret ≈ 30 RON / Anticexlibris /
Winston Churchill is probably still the best-known Prime Minster of Great Britain. Born at Blenheim Palace he joined the army after Harrow but in 1899 resigned his comm…

The Quotable Winston Churchill

The Quotable Winston Churchill

Pret ≈ 30 RON / Anticexlibris /
This tiny tome featuring a faux leather binding with embossed type and illustration is filled with Winston Churchill’s biography his most inspirational quotes and excer…

The State Funeral of Sir Winston Churchill

The State Funeral of Sir Winston Churchill

Pret ≈ 30 RON / Anticexlibris /
A collection of watercolours as a tribute and celebration of the funeral of Sir Winston Churchill in London 1965.

Winston Churchill at the Telegraph

Winston Churchill at the Telegraph

Pret ≈ 60 RON / Anticexlibris /
When Winston Churchill was asked by George VI to take the reins of power in May 1940 he later recalled that ‘I felt as if I were walking with destiny and that all my pas…

Winston Churchill - Anii tineretii mele - Autobiografia

Winston Churchill – Anii tineretii mele – Autobiografia

Pret ≈ 64 RON / Librariadelfin /
Winston Churchill – Anii tineretii mele – Autobiografia

His Finest Hour: A Brief Life of Winston Churchill

His Finest Hour: A Brief Life of Winston Churchill

Pret ≈ 30 RON / Anticexlibris /
Who was Winston Churchill? Even fifity years after his death he is one of the most iconic figures in British history: as a young man he was a maverick journalist his ma…

Laboratorul de acasa. Experimente incitante - Robert Winston

Laboratorul de acasa. Experimente incitante – Robert Winston

Pret ≈ 56 RON / Librariadelfin /
Laboratorul de acasa. Experimente incitante – Robert Winston

Churchill: The Power of Words - Winston Churchill

Churchill: The Power of Words – Winston Churchill

Pret ≈ 129 RON / Librariadelfin /
Churchill: The Power of Words – Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill Reporting: Adventures of a Young War Correspondent - Simon Read

Winston Churchill Reporting: Adventures of a Young War Correspondent – Simon Read

Pret ≈ 167 RON / Librariadelfin /
Winston Churchill Reporting: Adventures of a Young War Correspondent – Simon Read

Winston si blestemul pisicii faraonului - Frauke Scheunemann

Winston si blestemul pisicii faraonului – Frauke Scheunemann

Pret ≈ 31 RON / Librariadelfin /
Winston si blestemul pisicii faraonului – Frauke Scheunemann

Al doilea razboi mondial Vol. 2 - Winston Churchill

Al doilea razboi mondial Vol. 2 – Winston Churchill

Pret ≈ 14 RON / Librariadelfin /
Al doilea razboi mondial Vol. 2 – Winston Churchill

Al doilea razboi mondial Vol. 1 - Winston Churchill

Al doilea razboi mondial Vol. 1 – Winston Churchill

Pret ≈ 14 RON / Librariadelfin /
Al doilea razboi mondial Vol. 1 – Winston Churchill

Istoria Americii - Winston Churchill

Istoria Americii – Winston Churchill

Pret ≈ 34 RON / Librariadelfin /
Istoria Americii – Winston Churchill

Anii tineretii mele - Winston Churchill

Anii tineretii mele – Winston Churchill

Pret ≈ 64 RON / Librariadelfin /
Anii tineretii mele – Winston Churchill

Anii tinereții mele - Paperback brosat - Winston Churchill - Herald

Anii tinereții mele – Paperback brosat – Winston Churchill – Herald

Pret ≈ 75 RON / Cartepedia /
Cititorii care cunosc contribuția lui Winston Churchill la politica mondială în special în ultima parte a vieții sale vor fi încântați să regăsească în acest volum autobiografic parcursul timpuriu ș…

Istoria Americii - Paperback brosat - Winston Churchill - Orizonturi

Istoria Americii – Paperback brosat – Winston Churchill – Orizonturi

Pret ≈ 45 RON / Cartepedia /
Experiența de lider și strateg s-a împletit în mod fericit cu talentul său uriaș permițându-i să prezinte în mod strălucit destinul unei țări ce jocă un rol atât de special în istoria lumii. Pentru…

Winston 6 - Liber la vanat soareci

Winston 6 – Liber la vanat soareci

Pret ≈ 38 RON / Clb / Booklet SRL
Winston 6 – Liber la vanat soareci

Winston Churchill - Anii tineretii mele (Autobiografia)

Winston Churchill – Anii tineretii mele (Autobiografia)

Pret ≈ 59 RON / Clb / V & I Herald Grup
Winston Churchill – Anii tineretii mele (Autobiografia)

Winston Churchill - Anii tineretii mele

Winston Churchill – Anii tineretii mele

Pret ≈ 75 RON / Clb / V & I Herald Grup
Winston Churchill – Anii tineretii mele

Level 1. Winston the Wizard - Melanie Williams

Level 1. Winston the Wizard – Melanie Williams

Pret ≈ 26 RON / Librariadelfin /
Level 1. Winston the Wizard – Melanie Williams

Winston Churchill - Anii tineretii mele

Winston Churchill – Anii tineretii mele

Pret ≈ 75 RON / Bookcity / Herald
Cititorii care cunosc contributia lui Winston Churchill la politica mondiala in special in ultima parte a vietii sale vor fi incantati sa regaseasca in acest volum autobiografic parcursul timpuriu si anii formatori ai unuia dintre cei mai influenti p

Winston Churchill tanarul titan

Winston Churchill tanarul titan

Pret ≈ 45 RON / Bookcity / Rao
Winston Churchill tanarul titan

All Except Winston

All Except Winston

Pret ≈ 54 RON / Books-Express /
Winston is a little bit different from his peers. However when danger looms it is Winston who comes to the rescue and saves the day

Copilul din carti - Oliver Jeffers, Sam Winston

Copilul din carti – Oliver Jeffers, Sam Winston

Pret ≈ 28 RON / Librariadelfin /
Copilul din carti – Oliver Jeffers Sam Winston

Churchill's Bestiary: Winston Churchill and the Animal Kingdom

Churchill’s Bestiary: Winston Churchill and the Animal Kingdom

Pret ≈ 8 RON / Anticexlibris /
Following the pattern of medieval bestiaries Brendons book illuminates the life and work of Winston Churchill through animals from the Albatross he invoked in an impo…

Laboratorul de acasa. Experimente incitante - Robert Winston

Laboratorul de acasa. Experimente incitante – Robert Winston

Pret ≈ 64 RON / Libris / Robert Winston
Laboratorul de acasa iti arata cum sa folosesti diverse materiale obtinute pentru experimente fascinante care sa-ti impresioneze prietenii si familia sa te ajute la proiecte scolare sau sa faci lucruri deosebite doar pentru ca esti un impatimit al st

Winston Churchill. Tanarul titan

Winston Churchill. Tanarul titan

Pret ≈ 32 RON / Bookzone / Rao
Cartea lui Shelden urmăreşte biografia lui Winston Churchill începânddin 1901 anul debutului său ca parlamentar şi până în 1915 când dupădezastrul militar de la Gallipoli este nevoit să demisioneze dinfuncţia de Prim Lord al Amiralităţii. Este răstim


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