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Twentieth Century Irish Fiction – Florentina Anghel

Twentieth Century Irish Fiction - Florentina Anghel

Twentieth Century Irish Fiction – Florentina Anghel

Pret ≈ 25 RON / Librariadelfin /
Twentieth Century Irish Fiction – Florentina Anghel

The World Reimagined: Americans and Human Rights in the Twentieth Century - Mark Philip Bradley

The World Reimagined: Americans and Human Rights in the Twentieth Century – Mark Philip Bradley

Pret ≈ 117 RON / Librariadelfin /
The World Reimagined: Americans and Human Rights in the Twentieth Century – Mark Philip Bradley

Harrap's English Classics - Twentieth Century Short Stories

Harrap’s English Classics – Twentieth Century Short Stories

Pret ≈ 103 RON / Books-Express /
The stories in this impressive collection have been chosen for the challenge they offer the reader and the variety of language used.

Twentieth Century Classics (Architecture 3s)

Twentieth Century Classics (Architecture 3s)

Pret ≈ 30 RON / Anticexlibris /
Parte a unei serii care își propune să plaseze clădirile în contextul lor istoric acest text are în vedere curentul Bauhaus al lui Gropius Unite d’ Habitation al lui L…

30-Second Twentieth Century

30-Second Twentieth Century

Pret ≈ 8 RON / Anticexlibris /
Probabil știți sau credeți că știți destul de multe despre ceea ce s-a întâmplat în secolul al XX-lea – este posibil ca dacă citiți acest lucru să fi trăit cel puțin o…

30-Second Twentieth Century

30-Second Twentieth Century

Pret ≈ 30 RON / Anticexlibris /
Probabil că știi sau crezi că știi destul de multe despre ce s-a întâmplat în secolul al XX-lea. Este probabil să fi trăit măcar o parte din el – se poate să te fi refer…

A Chasm in Time : Scottish War Art and Artists in the Twentieth Century

A Chasm in Time : Scottish War Art and Artists in the Twentieth Century

Pret ≈ 30 RON / Anticexlibris /
This is the first study of Scottish war art and artists of the twentieth century. A fascinating visual record of Scotland’s experience of conflict both on the home fron…

The Long Shadow: The Great War and the Twentieth Century

The Long Shadow: The Great War and the Twentieth Century

Pret ≈ 30 RON / Anticexlibris /
In Britain we have lost touch with the Great War. Our overriding sense now is of a meaningless futile bloodbath in the mud of Flanders – of young men whose lives were …

Twentieth Century Paintings in the Ashmolean Museum

Twentieth Century Paintings in the Ashmolean Museum

Pret ≈ 30 RON / Anticexlibris /
The collections of twentieth-century paintings in the Ashmolean Museum Oxford have developed largely through the generosity of individuals. Notable among these in the e…

Postcards Of Political Icons Leaders Of The Twentieth Century

Postcards Of Political Icons Leaders Of The Twentieth Century

Pret ≈ 16 RON / Anticexlibris /
More than any preceding era the twentieth century was defined by images. The widespread adoption of photography the advent of film and the increasing speed and ease of…

Germany in the Loud Twentieth Century

Germany in the Loud Twentieth Century

Pret ≈ 30 RON / Anticexlibris /
This book introduces German Sound Studies using a transdisciplinary approach. It invites readers to auralize space by describing characteristically German soundscapes in …

Lost Art: Missing Artworks of the Twentieth Century

Lost Art: Missing Artworks of the Twentieth Century

Pret ≈ 30 RON / Anticexlibris /
Mulți presupun că operele de artă modernă sunt ușor de păstrat sau că locul unde se află poate să fie stabilit cu ușurință datorită sistemelor sofisticate de documentare…

Twentieth Century History: IGCSE

Twentieth Century History: IGCSE

Pret ≈ 147 RON / Books-Express /
Cambridge IGCSE Twentieth Century History covers the Cambridge IGCSE History syllabus and relates to the Twentieth Century core content. The theme of the book is International Relations from 1919 to the end of the 20th century. Lively and accessible

Intellectual Disability in the Twentieth Century

Intellectual Disability in the Twentieth Century

Pret ≈ 189 RON / Books-Express /
With contributions from distinguished authors in 14 countries across 5 continents this book provides a unique transnational perspective on intellectual disability in the twentieth century. Each chapter outlines different policies and practices and de

Continuity and Change: Twentieth Century Sculpture in the Ashmolean Museum (Ashmolean Handbooks) (Ashmolean Handbook Series)

Continuity and Change: Twentieth Century Sculpture in the Ashmolean Museum (Ashmolean Handbooks) (Ashmolean Handbook Series)

Pret ≈ 30 RON / Anticexlibris /
Illustrated from the Ashmolean’s collections of twentieth-century sculpture this book continues the series of Ashmolean Handbooks edited by the Director of the Ashmole…

Revolution: Uprisings That Shaped the Twentieth Century

Revolution: Uprisings That Shaped the Twentieth Century

Pret ≈ 48 RON / Anticexlibris /
Secolul al XX-lea a fost epoca revoluțiilor. Pe măsură ce ritmul schimbărilor sociale și economice a crescut și cruzimea războiului tehnologic a destabilizat societăți …

Twentieth Century Type and Beyond

Twentieth Century Type and Beyond

Pret ≈ 31 RON / Anticexlibris /
This substantially revised edition of Lewis Blackwell’s classic study provides an up-to-date decade-by-decade analysis of the issues that have shaped the history and de…

The Twentieth Century in 100 Moments: A Visual History

The Twentieth Century in 100 Moments: A Visual History

Pret ≈ 30 RON / Anticexlibris /
Cartea „Secolul XX în 100 de momente: o istorie vizuală” prezintă cele mai importante evenimente din secolul XX petrecute în SUA creând fir narativ antrenant și captiva…

The Last Victorians: A Daring Reassessment of Four Twentieth Century Eccentrics

The Last Victorians: A Daring Reassessment of Four Twentieth Century Eccentrics

Pret ≈ 30 RON / Anticexlibris /
From Victoria herself to the writers philanthropists and politicians of the day the Victorians have been dismissed as hypocrites and frauds. To a handful of eccentric…


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