The Prince Of Egypt

Fall of the Dragon Prince

Fall of the Dragon Prince

Pret ≈ 95 RON / Books-Express /
Toran joined the five realms and tied their destinies to the survival of his secret heirs. But the king is now dead and his enemies gather. Reann a serving girl and self-appointed librarian of Toran’s estate has a chance to unravel the greatest myste

Fat Frumos din Lacrima. Prince Charming of The Tear - Mihai Eminescu

Fat Frumos din Lacrima. Prince Charming of The Tear – Mihai Eminescu

Pret ≈ 36 RON / Librariadelfin /
Fat Frumos din Lacrima. Prince Charming of The Tear – Mihai Eminescu

The Prince : The Secret Story of the World's Most Intriguing Royal, Prince Bandar bin Sultan

The Prince : The Secret Story of the World’s Most Intriguing Royal, Prince Bandar bin Sultan

Pret ≈ 18 RON / Anticexlibris /
For the last two and a half decades–through war oil crises and global terrorism–the United States and Saudi Arabia have had a very special relationship thanks in no…

Egypt in the era of Hosni Mubarak

Egypt in the era of Hosni Mubarak

Pret ≈ 14 RON / Anticexlibris /
The era of Hosni Mubarak spanning from October 1981 to February 2011 marks a significant and complex period in modern Egyptian history. As one of the longest-serving p…

The Prince of Mist

The Prince of Mist

Pret ≈ 42 RON / Books-Express /
A haunting story about the mysterious and menacing Dr Cain who grants wishes and steals souls. A haunting story about the mysterious and menacing Dr Cain who grants wishes and steals souls. Paperback children’s edition of Zafron’s first crossover boo

The Secret Life of Prince Charming

The Secret Life of Prince Charming

Pret ≈ 63 RON / Books-Express /
A thoughtful funny and layered teen novel by National Book Award Finalist Deb Caletti. After Quinn gets dumped she starts to wonder if there really are no good men. It doesn’t help when she discovers that her selfish womanizing father has stolen more

The Prince of Mist

The Prince of Mist

Pret ≈ 39 RON / Books-Express /
From the bestselling author of THE SHADOW OF THE WIND the haunting story of a ghostly ship and an age-old curse. Mass market edition of Zafon’s latest novel a haunting story of a ghostly ship and an age-old curse. From the author of „The Shadow Of Th

The Prince of the Icemark

The Prince of the Icemark

Pret ≈ 46 RON / Books-Express /
The stunning stand-alone prequel to „The Cry Of The Icemark”. Prince Redrought must rally his people and defend his tiny kingdom from a barrage of supernatural beings including ferocious werewolves vampires and zombies. Epic action-packed and highly

Edward VII: The Prince of Wales and the Women He Loved

Edward VII: The Prince of Wales and the Women He Loved

Pret ≈ 40 RON / Anticexlibris /
Edward Prince of Wales better known as “Bertie ” was the eldest son of Queen Victoria. Charming and dissolute he was a larger-than-life personality with king-size app…

The Prince of Mist - Carlos Ruiz Zafon

The Prince of Mist – Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Pret ≈ 84 RON / Libris / Carlos Ruiz Zafon
An atmospheric young adult novel from bestselling The Shadow of the Wind author Carlos Ruiz Zafon translated from the original Spanish by acclaimed translator Lucia Graves. It’s wartime and the Carver family decides to leave the capital where they li

On the state of Egypt

On the state of Egypt

Pret ≈ 13 RON / Anticexlibris /
„Despre statul Egiptului” de Ala Aswani este o examinare provocatoare și perspicace a societății și politicii egiptene contemporane. Printr-o serie de eseuri Aswani se …

Rebel Prince : The Power, Passion and Defiance of Prince Charles

Rebel Prince : The Power, Passion and Defiance of Prince Charles

Pret ≈ 20 RON / Anticexlibris /
`The pampered petulant self-pitying Prince. A devastating book by Britain’s top investigative author’ Daily Mail `Explosive new book delves inside the bizarre ultra l…

The Quest for Immortality: Treasures of Ancient Egypt

The Quest for Immortality: Treasures of Ancient Egypt

Pret ≈ 40 RON / Anticexlibris /
Acest volum însoțește o expoziție cu același nume care include artefacte din aproape 2000 de ani de dinainte de perioada creștină. Obiecte precum sicrie morminte mășt…

Tutankhamun and the Puzzles of Ancient Egypt

Tutankhamun and the Puzzles of Ancient Egypt

Pret ≈ 26 RON / Anticexlibris /

Peppa Pig: The Story of Prince George

Peppa Pig: The Story of Prince George

Pret ≈ 25 RON / Books-Express /
The Story of Prince George is a magical fairytale featuring Peppa Pig and her little brother George. Mummy Pig is telling Peppa and George a bedtime story. Tonight it’s the story of Prince George the brave knight. Prince George lives in a castle with

The Material World of Ancient Egypt - William H. Peck

The Material World of Ancient Egypt – William H. Peck

Pret ≈ 164 RON / Librariadelfin /
The Material World of Ancient Egypt – William H. Peck

Prince Puggly of Spud and the Kingdom of Spiff

Prince Puggly of Spud and the Kingdom of Spiff

Pret ≈ 46 RON / Books-Express /
The next middle-grade rhyming novel from the award-winning author of Zorgamazoo! Prince Puggly of the muddy terminally unfashionable Kingdom of Spud is surprised when he receives an invitation to a lavish ball in the far more chic Kingdom of Spiff. P

The Mystery of the Vanished Prince

The Mystery of the Vanished Prince

Pret ≈ 13 RON / Anticexlibris /
A fantastic children’s crime story from the world’s best-loved children’s author Enid Blyton. A prince has disappeared and it seems that twin babies are the only clue. …

Spare - Prince Harry The Duke of Sussex

Spare – Prince Harry The Duke of Sussex

Pret ≈ 172 RON / Libris / Prince Harry
It was one of the most searing images of the twentieth century: two young boys two princes walking behind their mother’s coffin as the world watched in sorrow – and horror. As Diana Princess of Wales was laid to rest billions wondered what the prince

The Awful End of Prince William the Silent

The Awful End of Prince William the Silent

Pret ≈ 20 RON / Anticexlibris /
A brilliantly detailed and gripping account of the assassination in 1584 of Prince William of Orange and the shockwaves it sent through an age. …

Spare - Prince Harry The Duke of Sussex

Spare – Prince Harry The Duke of Sussex

Pret ≈ 165 RON / Libris / Prince Harry The Duke Of Sussex
It was one of the most searing images of the twentieth century: two young boys two princes walking behind their mother’s coffin as the world watched in sorrow and horror. As Diana Princess of Wales was laid to rest billions wondered what the princes

The confession of an atheist priest

The confession of an atheist priest

Pret ≈ 52 RON / Bookzone / Curtea Veche
Sick with his petty life in a small Romanian rural community governed by superstition and having lost his faith a village priest decides to do something absolutely scandalous for a bearer of the priestly garment…I have worn the priestly garment for a

Skip to the beginning of the images gallery Tot ce trebuie sa stii ca sa fii as la biologie. Ghid de studiu complet pentru gimnaziu

Skip to the beginning of the images gallery Tot ce trebuie sa stii ca sa fii as la biologie. Ghid de studiu complet pentru gimnaziu

Pret ≈ 72 RON / Bookzone / Litera
Cea mai bine vândută carte educaționalăAceastă carte îţi oferă: concepte cheie • ajutoare mnemonice • cronologii • definiții • explicații nostime  ca să iei note mai bune la școală!Include:Clasificări • Teorie celulară • Fotosinteză • BACTE

The Intelligence of Matter

The Intelligence of Matter

Pret ≈ 97 RON / Bookzone / Școala Ardeleană
Prof. Dr. Dumitru Constantin Dulcan MD came to the attention of the general public especially after the publication in 1981 of the first edition of this book The Intelligence of Matter which immediately became a bestseller. In 1992 the book was award

The Picture of Dorian Gray (with Audio CD) | Oscar Wilde

The Picture of Dorian Gray (with Audio CD) | Oscar Wilde

Pret ≈ 73 RON / Carturesti / Black Cat
Reading Classics is series of 19th and 20th-century classics from the world of British and American literature edited by Paolo Bertinetti Dean of the Faculty of Modern Languages at the University of Turin. Reading Classics are aimed specifically at n

In apararea cireselor / In defence of the cherries | Claus Ankersen

In apararea cireselor / In defence of the cherries | Claus Ankersen

Pret ≈ 27 RON / Carturesti / Brumar
In apararea cireselor / In defence of the cherries – Claus Ankersen

Spirit si drept in filosofia romaneasca a dreptului. Spirit and law in the Romanian philosophy of law | Grigore Stolojescu

Spirit si drept in filosofia romaneasca a dreptului. Spirit and law in the Romanian philosophy of law | Grigore Stolojescu

Pret ≈ 50 RON / Carturesti / Univers Juridic
Lucrarea se doreste a fi o modesta contributie la reliefarea contributiei filosofilor romani ai dreptului la dezvoltarea de ansamblu a filosofiei dreptului de evidentiere a faptului ca alaturi de alti ganditori ai lumii si reprezentantii nostri au fo

The Power of WOW | Tony Hsieh, Mark Dagostino

The Power of WOW | Tony Hsieh, Mark Dagostino

Pret ≈ 10 RON / Carturesti / Publica
De la crearea sa in timpul boomului „dot com” din 1999 si pana la momentul in care a fost cumparata de Amazon in 2009 Zappos compania de servicii pentru clienti continua sa uimeasca datorita spiritului sau antreprenorial perturbator si angajatilor sa

Icoane pe sticla din colectiile Muzeului Taranului Roman / Glass icons from the collection of the Museum of the Romanian Peasant | Georgeta Rosu

Icoane pe sticla din colectiile Muzeului Taranului Roman / Glass icons from the collection of the Museum of the Romanian Peasant | Georgeta Rosu

Pret ≈ 60 RON / Carturesti / Alcor
Autoarea prezinta aparitia si dezvoltarea picturii pe sticla din Transilvania secolelor XVIII-XIX in care se exprima mentalitatea si sensibilitatea satului traditional romanesc. Icoanele romanesti pe sticla exprima mentalitatea si sensibilitatea satu

The Transatlantic Dimension of Romantic Relationships in Henry James’s Works

The Transatlantic Dimension of Romantic Relationships in Henry James’s Works

Pret ≈ 40 RON / Bookzone / Universul Juridic
Aceasta carte se concentreaza asupra prozei scurte a lui Henry James si interpreteaza relatiile de dragoste pe care acesta le construieste prin prisma dihotomiei Lume Noua-Lume Veche. Avand in vedere pozitia transatlantica a lui James insusi cartea a

Fortarete dacice din Muntii Orastiei / Dacian Fortresses of the Orastie Mountains | Simona Sora

Fortarete dacice din Muntii Orastiei / Dacian Fortresses of the Orastie Mountains | Simona Sora

Pret ≈ 144 RON / Carturesti / Artec Impresiones
Siturile declarate Patrimoniu al Umanitatii sunt unele dintre cele mai extraordinare locuri din lume. Acestea sunt inscrise pe lista Patrimoniului Umanitatii pentru fabuloasa lor valoare universala ceea ce inseamna ca acestea trebuiesc protejate si p

Easyreads: The Story of Moving Pictures | James McMenamin

Easyreads: The Story of Moving Pictures | James McMenamin

Pret ≈ 20 RON / Carturesti / Black Cat
EASYREADS are a range of full-colour non-fiction graded readers; the subjects cover art history science geography biography and cultural studies. EASYREADS are specially written at two levels with controlled grammatical structures and lexis: level 1

Arta succesului feminin. The Art of Feminine Success

Arta succesului feminin. The Art of Feminine Success

Pret ≈ 87 RON / Bookzone / Creator-Libris
Aceasta carte eveniment  Arta succesului feminin este cartea de debut a Victoriei Marinescu o carte dedicata dezvoltarii personale a femeii a frumusetii si a feminitatii. Daca majoritatea cartilor dedicate femeilor au ca referinta imaginea si pe

The Treaty of Trianon. The Fundamental Legal Instrument that Underlies the Great Union

The Treaty of Trianon. The Fundamental Legal Instrument that Underlies the Great Union

Pret ≈ 52 RON / Bookzone / Universul Juridic
Based on one of the fundamental principles of International Law – pacta sunt servanda the Treaty of Trianon constitutes an imperative act – imperium of an indisputable legal and moral value that cannot be ignored; it flows logically and sacredly from

Dominoes 3 NE The Last of the Mohicans

Dominoes 3 NE The Last of the Mohicans

Pret ≈ 37 RON / Niculescu / Oxford University Press
Language Level: B1 The year is 1757. The English and the French are at war in North America. Two sisters – Cora and Alice – want to visit their father General Munro. They begin their dangerous journey with the handsome English officer Duncan Heyward