Reconstructive Facial Plastic Surgery
Pret ≈ 478 RON / Books-Express /
Many patients in facial plastic surgery present with facial defects which may be of traumatic origin or the consequence of oncologic surgery or surgery of congenital defects. The reconstruction of these defects requires careful planning. Professor We

Pret ≈ 943 RON / Books-Express /
Fully updated to meet the demands of the 21st-century surgeon Breast Volume 5 of Plastic Surgery 3rd Edition provides you with the most current knowledge and techniques in breast surgery allowing you to offer every patient the best possible outcome.

Thomas Procedures in Facial Plastic Surgery
Pret ≈ 657 RON / Books-Express /
This book is one part of a seven volumes series covering the full spectrum of facial plastic and reconstructive surgery – each written by a nationally recognized facial plastic surgeon detailing their own clinical techniques and practices. Each volum

Advanced Therapy in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Pret ≈ 1336 RON / Books-Express /
67 chapters covering the full spectrum of facial plastic and reconstructive surgery -each written by a nationally recognized facial plastic surgeon detailing their own clinical techniques and practices. Each chapter is generously illustrated with sup

Multiple Choice Questions in Plastic Surgery
Pret ≈ 184 RON / Books-Express /
This book provides over 400 questions answers and explanations covering the breadth of plastic and reconstructive surgery including burns. The expansive array of questions with detailed explanations and references will provide a solid foundation for

Aesthetic Plastic Surgery with DVD
Pret ≈ 1052 RON / Books-Express /
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery – edited by Sherrell J. Aston MD Douglas S. Steinbrech MD and Jennifer L. Walden MD – brings you the masterful expertise you need to achieve breathtaking outcomes for every cosmetic surgery procedure including MACS lift endo

Techniques in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Series: Aesthetic Breast Surgery with DVD
Pret ≈ 658 RON / Books-Express /
This volume in the Techniques in Aesthetic Surgery Series gives you the very latest on the hottest areas in aesthetic breast surgery. Generously illustrated with many color operative photographs line drawings and cases the book focuses on the newest

Key Topics in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Pret ≈ 303 RON / Books-Express /
Based on the teaching of plastic and reconstructive surgery at a university hospital Key Topics in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery is a unique resource that provides succinct guidance to the core topics in this rapidly developing field for all stu

Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery Board Review
Pret ≈ 422 RON / Books-Express /
Why waste time guessing at what you need to know for the otolaryngology board exam? Maximize your exam preparation time with this quick-hit question and answer review. The unique question and single-answer format eliminates the guesswork associated w

Practical Periodontal Plastic Surgery
Pret ≈ 302 RON / Books-Express /
Practical Periodontal Plastic Surgery Second Edition builds on the success of the first edition to provide the qualified and trainee periodontist with an essential guide to the clinical requirements and step–by–step procedures of periodontal plastic

Pret ≈ 377 RON / Books-Express /
Topics include: Skin histology physiology and pathology aging; Laser wavelength interface with the skin; Photography for skin’s surface ; CO2 ablative lasers; YSGG ablative lasers; Erbium ablative lasers; Photodynamic therapy; Treatment of Acne Scarr

Pret ≈ 947 RON / Books-Express /
Fully updated to meet the demands of the 21st-century surgeon Lower Extremity Trunk and Burns Surgery Volume 4 of Plastic Surgery 3rd Edition provides you with the most current knowledge and techniques across your field allowing you to offer every pa

Core Procedures in Plastic Surgery
Pret ≈ 659 RON / Books-Express /
Core Procedures in Plastic Surgery edited by Drs. Peter C. Neligan and Donald W. Buck II is a one-of-a-kind medical reference book designed to help you master the 20 most in-demand operative techniques from Plastic Surgery 3rd Edition – the definitiv

Lower Extremity Soft Tissue & Cutaneous Plastic Surgery
Pret ≈ 839 RON / Books-Express /
Since publication of the first edition Lower Extremity Soft Tissue & Cutaneous Plastic Surgery has attracted wide acclaim for its superb illustrations clear step-by-step approach thoroughness and practicality. Progressing from basic information o

Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Video Atlas
Pret ≈ 658 RON / Books-Express /
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Video Atlas – edited by Dr. Bahman Guyuron et al. – brings you the detailed visual guidance and unmatched expertise you need to master the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures and achieve breathtaking results. Full-color

Evidence-Based Periodontal and Peri-Implant Plastic Surgery
Pret ≈ 644 RON / Books-Express /
This atlas featuring numerous superb illustrations and vivid photographs aims to create a bridge between research and practice in the field of periodontal plastic surgery and cosmetic dentistry with a view to enabling optimal decision making in daily

Pret ≈ 63 RON / Books-Express /
Plastic Surgery A Problem Based Approach provides a problem-based approach to solutions for common scenarios in plastic reconstructive and aesthetic surgery and serves as a practical guide to managing a plastic surgical case. This book outlines a pat

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Pret ≈ 218 RON / Books-Express /
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery has been designed to provide succinct information to plastic surgeons of all levels of experience and trainees in partner specialties. The layout is contemporary with the concise information laid out in a readable s

Female Genital Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery
Pret ≈ 649 RON / Books-Express /
Female genital plastic surgery has become an increasingly sought–after option for women seeking improvement in genital appearance relief from discomfort and increased sexual pleasure. These surgeries are a combination of gynecologic plastic and cosme

Anatomy for Plastic Surgery of the Face, Head and Neck
Pret ≈ 658 RON / Books-Express /
Anatomy for Plastic Surgery of the Face Head and Neck details the complex regional anatomy of the face head and neck providing plastic surgery and otolaryngology residents with a solid anatomical knowledge base. There are many danger zones involved i

Atlas of Endoscopic Plastic Surgery
Pret ≈ 839 RON / Books-Express /
Concentrating on technique which is explained and illustrated in detail this book is written by worldwide experts and provides detailed step-by-step instructions on how to perform state-of-the-art endoscopic surgical techniques in the complex Plastic

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Pret ≈ 1405 RON / Books-Express /
Plastic and reconstructive surgery continues to evolve as new techniques open up new possibilities for the surgeon. In this groundbreaking textbook contemporary approaches are explained and demonstrated to allow trainee and experienced surgeons alike

Reconstructive Plastic Surgery of Pressure Ulcers
Pret ≈ 439 RON / Books-Express /
This abundantly illustrated guide based on work at the renowned Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center describes and depicts operative techniques for the treatment of the devastating wounds caused by pressure ulcers. Comprehensive informati

Pret ≈ 220 RON / Books-Express /
This high-yield compact review book covers all topics that appear on the exams that lead to initial certification and recertification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Topics are presented in outline format to facilitate quick review and reca

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Pret ≈ 830 RON / Books-Express /
There is a paradigm shift in plastic and reconstructive surgery from the interest of developing new surgical techniques into the application of new technologies via research based studies on stem cells tissue engineering and new field of reconstructi

Key Clinical Topics in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Pret ≈ 185 RON / Books-Express /
Titles in the Key Topics series give rapid access to ultra-concise facts and tips on „must know” clinical topics.

Pret ≈ 302 RON / Books-Express /
Focusing on the clinical information that must be mastered for success on oral board exams Plastic Surgery Case Review presents 50 case studies each of which highlights a specific topic that is frequently covered in the oral boards. It contains short

Michigan Manual of Plastic Surgery
Pret ≈ 303 RON / Books-Express /
The first and only pocket-sized practical manual on plastic surgery The Michigan Manual of Plastic Surgery is written by residents in the University of Michigan’s renowned plastic surgery training program. This multidisciplinary review features contr

Minimally Invasive and Office-Based Procedures in Facial Plastic Surgery
Pret ≈ 918 RON / Books-Express /
Minimally Invasive and Office-Based Procedures in Facial Plastic Surgery is a practical how-to guide that focuses on the latest techniques used to perform cosmetic plastic surgery procedures in an office or outpatient setting. The procedures covered

Pret ≈ 400 RON / Books-Express /
A panel of experts in facial plastic surgery procedures respond to questions regarding their approaches techniques outcomes and overviews of specific procedures. Surgeons address cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries in Neuromodulators Hair Replaceme

Ethnic Considerations in Facial Plastic Surgery
Pret ≈ 806 RON / Books-Express /
Written by leading plastic surgeons from five different continents across the globe this facial plastic surgery reference gives readers the tools they need to successfully perform surgical and non-surgical procedures on patients of various ethnicitie

Pret ≈ 270 RON / Books-Express /
Review of Plastic Surgery by Dr. Donald W. Buck II provides essential information on more than 40 topics found on in-service board and MOC exams as well as the challenges you face in everyday practice. Using a streamlined highly illustrated format it

Your Plastic Surgery Companion
Pret ≈ 106 RON / Books-Express /
Ross A. Clevens M.D. M.P.H. FACS is recognized as an international lecturer and innovator in facial plastic surgery know for his dedication to redefining the patient experience. He created and refined the Laser-Assisted Weekend Necklift to deliver pa

Reconstructive Plastic Surgery of the Head and Neck
Pret ≈ 933 RON / Books-Express /
Reconstructive PlasticSurgery of the Head and Neck describes the currentstate-of-the-art techniques used in head and neckreconstruction. Residents fellows and attendings can followthe up-to-date step-by-step instructions and images in this book toper

Video Atlas of Oculofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Pret ≈ 961 RON / Books-Express /
Ideal for oculofacial facial/cosmetic plastic and dermatologic surgeons the updated Video Atlas of Oculofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery brings together high-definition quality video and accompanying color atlas to help you master the latest