Pret ≈ 58 RON / Books-Express /
At age eleven Rosie Lepidus’s main concerns are winning ring-a-levio going to school and staying out of trouble. But when Mama falls ill with pneumonia and Papa throws all the family’s savings into the nickelodeon business the burden of caring for he
Pret ≈ 20 RON / Anticexlibris /
There are more than 8 million people in New York City and nearly as many doodling ideas! We’ve got prompts that will transport you from the wilds of Central Park to the …
Pret ≈ 15 RON / Anticexlibris /
Following the success of J’aime New York Alain Ducasse’s comprehensive collection of his favourite eating haunts in this fantastic city comes a luxuriously produced co…
City Walks: New York Revised Edition
Pret ≈ 20 RON / Anticexlibris /
For tourists and adventurous locals alike each walk covers the best the city has to offer including restaurants hip shops historic sites beautiful parks and more. A…
Hard Times: The Adult Musical in 1970s New York City
Pret ≈ 13 RON / Anticexlibris /
După succesul Hair din 1968 muzicalul pentru adulți cu buget redus a proliferat. Cel mai faimos a fost lungul „Oh! Calcutta!” Dar mai mulți au ajuns pe scenă: „Stag Mo…
Pret ≈ 20 RON / Anticexlibris /
Full-color photographs paired with evocative essays showcase the things for which New York City is best known and beloved: the bagel the Brooklyn Bridge Yankee Stadium …
100 Things to Do in New York City Before You Die, 2nd Edition
Pret ≈ 29 RON / Anticexlibris /
Even a frequent visitor to New York City can be overwhelmed by all of the memorable delicious and quirky treasures to discover in the greatest city on the planet. This …
New York City in 1979 – Kathy Acker
Pret ≈ 19 RON / Libris / Kathy Acker
It is necessary to go to as many extremes as possible. A tale of art sex blood junkies and whores in New York’s underground from cult literary icon Kathy Acker.
Pret ≈ 16 RON / Anticexlibris /
It’s New York- but not as you know it. This unofficial guide helps LEGO® fans discover Central Park the Chrysler Building Brooklyn Bridge and 17 more landmarks recreate…
Pret ≈ 18 RON / Anticexlibris /
Starting with the bloody draft riots during the Civil War Thomas Reppetto guides the reader through New York City’s history emphasizing the battles against twentieth-c…
Pret ≈ 26 RON / Anticexlibris /
A charming hide-and-seek picture book that follows whimsical mice on a whirlwind tour through New York City
The Hunt New York City 5th Edition
Pret ≈ 8 RON / Anticexlibris /
Instead of indiscriminately featuring everything and the kitchen sink the Hunt team has donned our curatorial coloured glasses and carefully selected 100 or so unique …
Din categoria new york
Pret ≈ 59 RON / Books-Express /
Easy-to-read text introduces the sights of New York City through a full day of sightseeing.
New York City – Pocket Rough Guide
Pret ≈ 20 RON / Anticexlibris /
Acoperind Soho și Tribeca Chinatown Lower East Side Meatpacking District Midtown Harlem și multe altele secțiunea practică Locuri oferă tot ce trebuie să știți de…
Pret ≈ 38 RON / Cartepedia /
A cleverly die-cut cover and charming illustrations make the New York City Taxi Shaped Cover Sticky Notes a stylish addition to your home office. The classic yellow taxi features windows that reveal s…
Lost On Treasure Island A Memoir Of Longing Love And Lousy Choices In New York City
Pret ≈ 20 RON / Anticexlibris /
Friedman has the rare ability to write effortless prose that is funny touching and . . . profound. The Washington…
Pret ≈ 34 RON / Anticexlibris /
Make your way from the Flatiron to Flatbush as an award-winning designer expertly captures New York City with minimalist art and unexpected wit. Minimal New York City pla…
Arthur Schwartz’s New York City Food
Pret ≈ 20 RON / Anticexlibris /
Arthur Schwartz’s ‘New York City Food’ stands as a vibrant and comprehensive culinary odyssey through the gastronomic tapestry of one of the world’s most dynamic cities….
Pret ≈ 20 RON / Anticexlibris /
There are infinite stories about New York City here are 41 in haiku form. In this love letter to his favorite city lifelong New Yorker Peter C. Goldmark Jr. has crafte…
Pret ≈ 58 RON / Anticexlibris /
Presented in a pocket-sized landscape format and with captions explaining the story behind each photo New York City is a stunning collection of images that vividly bring…
Pocket Rough Guide New York City
Pret ≈ 15 RON / Anticexlibris /
Whether you have got an afternoon a weekend or longer the Pocket Rough Guide New York City brings together the best and most exciting things to do in New York. The Bes…
Berlitz: New York City Pocket Guide
Pret ≈ 8 RON / Anticexlibris /
To inspire you the book offers a rundown of New York City’s Top 10 Attractions followed by an itinerary for a Perfect Day in the city. The What to Do chapter is a snap…
Pierdut in New York | Dan-Silviu Boerescu
Pret ≈ 29 RON / Carturesti / Neverland
Sa fii american poate insemna o mie de lucruri. Dar se spune ca nu esti american cu adevarat daca nu ajungi macar o data la New York. Fiindca acesta – chiar daca nu este capitala tarii-continent – este orasul oraselor americane marul enorm – The big
New York love machine – Adi Novac
Pret ≈ 50 RON / Libris / Adi Novac
"E virusul de New York" mi-a spus omul ce-si petrecuse toata ziua in Times Square cersind de la turistii ce hoinareau prin zona. "E un virus de care nu mai scapi oricat te-ai trata. Odata ce te infectezi gata s-a zis cu tine. Nu mai ai
Din categoria new york
French kissing in New York – Anne-Sophie Jouhanneau
Pret ≈ 40 RON / Libris / Anne-Sophie Jouhanneau
Margot n-a reusit sa-si ia gandul de la Zach americanul pe care l-a cunoscut intr-o noapte magica la Paris. Cei doi s-au indragostit fulgerator si au petrecut o seara perfecta. Intalnirea lor a culminat cu un sarut si cu o promisiune: daca universul
O vara la New York – Renee Rosen
Pret ≈ 40 RON / Libris / Renee Rosen
E anul 1965 si noul redactor-sef al revistei Cosmopolitan – Helen Gurley Brown – socheaza America si salveaza o publicatie aflata pe moarte indraznind sa le vorbeasca femeilor despre toate lucrurile interzise. New Yorkul este plin de oportunitati pen
New York, New York | Dan Gradinaru
Pret ≈ 30 RON / Carturesti / Nord Sud
”New York New York” este un roman ”american” despre intamplari petrecute pe parcursul unei singure zile ora de ora in marele oras in cadrul unei firme de aer conditionat si nu numai.
Pret ≈ 48 RON / Bookzone / Nemira
Margot n‑a reușit să‑și ia gândul de la Zach americanul pe care l‑a cunoscut într‑o noapte magică la Paris. Cei doi s‑au îndrăgostit fulgerător și au petrecut o seară perfectă. Întâlnirea lor a culminat cu un sărut și cu o promisiune: dacă universul
Proiectul Decameronul: 29 de povestiri noi din pandemie – The New York Times Magazine
Pret ≈ 25 RON / Libris / The New York Times Magazine
Aceasta carte face parte din colectia Anansi Contemporan . 29 de povestiri noi din pandemie selectate de editoriiNew York Times Magazine. Cand realitatea devine suprarealista doar fictiunea ii mai poate deslusi sensul. In 1353 Giovanni Boccaccio a sc
Pret ≈ 29 RON / Libris / Mick Sinclair
Acest ghid – complet structurat in capitole clare usor de consultat – va ofera toate informatiile de care aveti nevoie pentru o excursie la New York. Va prezinta detalii despre obiectivele de interes enumerate in ordine alfabetica despre istoria cult
Pe urmele comorii la New York | Sir Steve Stevenson
Pret ≈ 24 RON / Carturesti / RAO
Fara descriere
Au fost odata doua orase. New York si Bucuresti la 1900 – Mariana Net
Pret ≈ 68 RON / Libris / Mariana Net
Cartea se ocupa de procesul de autoreflectare in care erau implicate orasele New York si Bucuresti in perioada care s-a scurs intre sfarsitul Razboiului Civil American si izbucnirea Primului Razboi Mondial interval care se suprapune cu domnia lui Car
Pierdut in New York – Dan-Silviu Boerescu
Pret ≈ 24 RON / Libris / Dan-Silviu Boerescu
Pierdut in New York. O suta de orase intr-unul singur. Din Brooklyn in Chinatown Sa fii american poate insemna o mie de lucruri. Dar se spune ca nu esti american cu adevarat daca nu ajungi macar o data la New York. Fiindca acesta – chiar daca nu este
Poetul la New York | Federico Garcia Lorca
Pret ≈ 44 RON / Carturesti / Art
Scrisa de-a lungul celor noua luni pe care Federico Garcia Lorca le-a petrecut la Columbia University Poetul la New York este una dintre cele mai importante carti ale sale. In versurile lui imaginea New Yorkului stralucitor si plin de viata prinde un
Pret ≈ 39 RON / Bookzone / Linghea
Cei peste 56 de milioane de turiști care vin aici în fiecare an au așteptări mari iar orașul nu dezamăgește: arhitectură superbă repere culturale de talie mondială magazine și restaurante elegante
Puzzle 1000 piese Dream for Two in New York
Pret ≈ 59 RON / Bookcity / Timaro
Puzzle Timaro cu 1000 piese Dream for Two in New York.