Grammar Practice for Pre-Intermediate Student Book with Key Pack – Elaine Walker
Pret ≈ 88 RON / Librariadelfin /
Grammar Practice for Pre-Intermediate Student Book with Key Pack – Elaine Walker
Pret ≈ 110 RON / Libris / Vicky Anderson
Your students… •will gain confidence thanks to the short simple explanations and plenty of practice exercises. •be motivated by the variety of interesting and stimulating exercise types. •be able to find their way around easily thank
Fairyland 3 Vocabulary and Grammar Practice Curs pentru limba engleza – Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans
Pret ≈ 57 RON / Librariadelfin /
Fairyland 3 Vocabulary and Grammar Practice Curs pentru limba engleza – Jenny Dooley Virginia Evans
Grammar Practice for Upper-Intermediate Student Book no Key Pack – Steve Elsworth
Pret ≈ 115 RON / Librariadelfin /
Grammar Practice for Upper-Intermediate Student Book no Key Pack – Steve Elsworth
Pret ≈ 113 RON / Libris / Debra Powell
Your students… •will gain confidence thanks to the short simple explanations and plenty of practice exercises. •be motivated by the variety of interesting and stimulating exercise types. •be able to find their way around easily thank
Get to the Top Workbook with Extra Grammar Practice and CD-Rom level 3 – H. Q. Mitchell
Pret ≈ 24 RON / Librariadelfin /
Get to the Top Workbook with Extra Grammar Practice and CD-Rom level 3 – H. Q. Mitchell
Grammar Practice for Pre-Intermediate Student Book no key pack Paperback – Steve Elsworth
Pret ≈ 115 RON / Librariadelfin /
Grammar Practice for Pre-Intermediate Student Book no key pack Paperback – Steve Elsworth
Pret ≈ 120 RON / Libris / Sheila Dignen
Your students… •will gain confidence thanks to the short simple explanations and plenty of practice exercises. •be motivated by the variety of interesting and stimulating exercise types. •be able to find their way around easily thank
Grammar Practice for Intermediate Student Book with Key Pack – Elaine Walker
Pret ≈ 93 RON / Librariadelfin /
Grammar Practice for Intermediate Student Book with Key Pack – Elaine Walker
Pret ≈ 10 RON / Libris / –
Pliantul English Grammar 3 acopera sub forma de sinteza elemente de gramatica prevazute in programa scolara pentru gimnaziu si liceu (conjunctia conectorii adverbul numeralul) si vizeaza nivelul A1-A2 conform cadrului comun european de referinta pent
English Grammar Practice. New Round-Up – Clasa 3 – Caietul elevului – Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley
Pret ≈ 98 RON / Libris / Jenny Dooley
Round Up Level 3 Student’s Book. Caietul elevului pentru limba engleza New Round-Up is a seven-level course for young learners from beginner to upper-intermediate. It combines games and fun with systematic practice of English grammar. New Round-Up 3
Smart Grammar And Vocabulary 3 Student’s Book – H. Q. Mitchell
Pret ≈ 30 RON / Librariadelfin /
Smart Grammar And Vocabulary 3 Student’s Book – H. Q. Mitchell
Grammar Practice for Upper-Intermediate Students + CD – Debra Powell, Elaine Walker, Steve Elsworth
Pret ≈ 109 RON / Libris / Debra Powell
Grammar Practice for Upper-Intermediate Student Book no Key Pack + CD Your students… • will gain confidence thanks to the short simple explanations and plenty of practice exercises. • be motivated by the variety of interesting and stimula
Grammar Sense 3 B. Student Book Pack. Editia a II-a – Susan Kesner
Pret ≈ 82 RON / Librariadelfin /
Grammar Sense 3 B. Student Book Pack. Editia a II-a – Susan Kesner
English Grammar Practice 2: The Verb – Laura Anton
Pret ≈ 34 RON / Libris / Laura Anton
English Grammar Practice — The Verb se adreseaza elevilor care studiaza gramatica limbii engleze la nivel incepator si intermediar fiind un instrument de lucru cuprinzator si usor de consultat atat individual cat si la clasa. Conceput ca un cai
English Grammar – Theory and Practice | Constantin Paidos
Pret ≈ 75 RON / Carturesti / Polirom
In primele doua volume cei interesati gasesc pe langa notiuni fundamentale de morfologie si sintaxa exercitii cu diferite grade de dificultate. Pentru verificarea raspunsurilor la teste volumul al treilea va ofera cheia celor mai dificile exercitii.
Limba moderna engleza – Clasa 3 – Fun grammar – Katerina Stavridou, Jeanne Perrett, Charlote Covill
Pret ≈ 44 RON / Libris / Katerina Stavridou
Fun Grammar este un curs motivant de doua niveluri pentru ciclul primar care integreaza elementele de gramatica si competentele intr-un mod ludic si captivant. Avand la baza lunga experienta a celui mai mare editor britanic de ELT auxiliarele din ser
English Grammar Practice 2 The Verb – Laura Anton
Pret ≈ 32 RON / Librariadelfin /
English Grammar Practice 2 The Verb – Laura Anton
Grammar Sense 3 A. Student Book Pack. Editia a II-a – Susan Kesner
Pret ≈ 91 RON / Librariadelfin /
Grammar Sense 3 A. Student Book Pack. Editia a II-a – Susan Kesner
English Grammar Practice 1: The Noun – Ana-Maria Ghioc
Pret ≈ 34 RON / Librariadelfin /
English Grammar Practice 1: The Noun – Ana-Maria Ghioc
Get to the Top -Workbook with Extra Grammar Practice and CD-Rom by H. Q. Mitchell – level 2
Pret ≈ 24 RON / Librariadelfin /
Get to the Top -Workbook with Extra Grammar Practice and CD-Rom by H. Q. Mitchell – level 2
Grammar time – Clasa 3 – Sandy Jervis, Maria Carling
Pret ≈ 111 RON / Libris / Sandy Jervis
Grammar Time 3 Student Book Pack New Edition + CD New Grammar Time is a series of full-colour grammar reference and practice books. Combining fun-loving cartoon characters and lively content with clear explanations and plenty of practice NEW Grammar
English Grammar Practice – The Verb
Pret ≈ 34 RON / Librarie /
Islands Level 3 Grammar Booklet – Kerry Powell
Pret ≈ 87 RON / Librariadelfin /
Islands Level 3 Grammar Booklet – Kerry Powell
Grammar and Beyond Level 3 Student’s Book – Randi Reppen, Laurie Blass, Susan Iannuzzi, Alice Savage
Pret ≈ 324 RON / Librariadelfin /
Grammar and Beyond Level 3 Student’s Book – Randi Reppen Laurie Blass Susan Iannuzzi Alice Savage
Ladybird Grammar Workbook Level 3
Pret ≈ 24 RON / Librariadelfin /
Ladybird Grammar Workbook Level 3
Curs de gramatica limba engleza It’s Grammar Time 3 Teste CD-ROM – Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans
Pret ≈ 25 RON / Librariadelfin /
Curs de gramatica limba engleza It’s Grammar Time 3 Teste CD-ROM – Jenny Dooley Virginia Evans
Get to the Top Workbook with Extra Grammar Practice and CD-Rom by H. Q. Mitchell – level 4
Pret ≈ 24 RON / Librariadelfin /
Get to the Top Workbook with Extra Grammar Practice and CD-Rom by H. Q. Mitchell – level 4
Pret ≈ 69 RON / Librariadelfin /
Curs de gramatica limba engleza It’s Grammar Time 3 Manualul elevului cu Digibook App – Jenny Dooley Virginia Evans
Now I Know! 3 Grammar Book – Linnette Erocak
Pret ≈ 50 RON / Librariadelfin /
Now I Know! 3 Grammar Book – Linnette Erocak
Way Ahead 6, Grammar Practice Book, Caiet de gramatica engleza pentru clasa 8-a
Pret ≈ 25 RON / Librariadelfin /
Way Ahead 6 Grammar Practice Book Caiet de gramatica engleza pentru clasa 8-a
English Grammar Theory and Practice
Pret ≈ 75 RON / Bookcity / Polirom
Editia a IV-a revazuta si adaugita Trei volume care sintetizeaza gramatica limbii engleze si contin numeroase exercitii precum si solutiile acestora: 1. The Verb; 2. The Noun The Article The Adjective The Pronoun The Numeral The Adverb The Prepositio
Letts Monster Practice – Grammar Age 5-6
Pret ≈ 28 RON / Books-Express /
Introducing key grammar and punctuation skills for KS1 this Grammar and Punctuation practice book offers plenty of practice and reinforcement of the topics covered in school. Included are fun activities stickers and friendly monsters to make learning
11+ Verbal Reasoning Grammar & Spelling for Cem, (Multiple Choice Practice Tests Included)
Pret ≈ 60 RON / Books-Express /
A further collection of verbal reasoning and creative writing type questions for multi-discipline CEM style 11 plus exams. Varying styles include multiple choice questions used to identify grammatical and spelling errors provide word definitions dril
11+ Verbal Reasoning Grammar & Spelling for CEM, Multiple Choice Practice Tests Included
Pret ≈ 61 RON / Books-Express /
A variety of multiple choice and more elaborate multi-discipline questions for CEM Verbal Reasoning. Partial words shuffled sentences left-over and/or missing words drill correct sentence structure and identify word definitions and errors of grammar
Easy Learning German Grammar and Practice
Pret ≈ 61 RON / Books-Express /
Perfect for revising German Grammar offering a clear and easy-to-understand guide to the verbs and grammar of German with hundreds of practical exercises.
Produse cumparate impreuna cu Grammar Practice 3 Answer Key
1. Carte de gramatica engleza
2. Caiet de exercitii de gramatica engleza
3. Dictionar englez-roman