Disney Frozen 2 Book of the Film
Pret ≈ 20 RON / Anticexlibris /
Anna and Elsa are back for a brand-new adventure! All her life Elsa has wondered why she was born with powers and why they continue to grow. Then when a mysterious vo…

Disney Elena din Avalor – Cele mai bune surori – Caiet de activitati. Grupa mica
Pret ≈ 12 RON / Libhumanitas / Litera
Caietele de activitati din seria Biblioteca magica Disney au fost concepute ca materiale de lucru pentru gradinita alaturi de cartile din aceeasi serie si sunt grupate pe trei niveluri. Fiecare poveste este insotita de activitati de invatare si de co

Pret ≈ 15 RON / Carturesti / Litera
Doar cateva minute de lectura pe zi petrecute impreuna cu copilul tau sunt suficiente pentru a-i crea obisnuinta de a citi. Dar lectura nu este numai un instrument ideal cu care sa-i dezvolti imaginatia si vocabularul sa-i stimulezi curiozitatea si s

Disney Planes: Book of the Film
Pret ≈ 15 RON / Anticexlibris /
An action – Packed Adventure form the World above Cars !! Dusty is a small-town plane with the dream of competing as a high-flying air racer. But making that dream come …

Disney Pixar the Good Dinosaur Book of the Film
Pret ≈ 32 RON / Books-Express /
Grab this easy-to-read book of Disney Pixar’s The Good Dinosaur with 8 pages of colour scenes from the film!

Elena din Avalor – Aventurile unei printese |
Pret ≈ 50 RON / Carturesti / Litera
Fa cunostinta cu tanara Elena printesa incoronata a regatului magic Avalor! Alaturi de ea ii vei cunoaste pe cei pe care printesa ii iubeste cel mai mult: sora ei mai mica Isabel bunicii si prietenii de care nu se desparte niciodata.Participa impreun

Pret ≈ 29 RON / Cartepedia /
Dante is a happy dog. He likes bread and meat. He likes the town. He likes nice people. Miguel is a nice boy. Are Miguel and Dante friends? Discover the magic of stories: Read and learn with Disney…

Disney Onward: Book of the Film
Pret ≈ 15 RON / Anticexlibris /
A storybook retelling of the brand-new Disney Pixar movie Onward.

Disney Villains The Evilest of them All
Pret ≈ 20 RON / Anticexlibris /
Disney fans of all ages will enjoy this peek into the minds of the villains from their favourite films – featuring a unique insight from their evil perspectives through …

Pret ≈ 20 RON / Anticexlibris /
Relive the fifth instalment of the swashbuckling film series in Disney Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar’s Revenge Book of the Film.

Disney Zootropolis Book of the Film
Pret ≈ 32 RON / Books-Express /
Relive the adventures of Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde in this Disney Zootropolis Book of the Film.

Disney The Good Dinosaur: Book of the Film
Pret ≈ 15 RON / Anticexlibris /
Relive the magic of Disney Pixar’s The Good Dinosaur with this junior novel. The little dinosaur Arlo is afraid of everything. When he gets lost in the wilderness he mu…

Elena din Avalor. O printesa pentru Avalor |
Pret ≈ 35 RON / Carturesti / Litera
Fa cunostinta cu Elena printesa incoronata a Avalorului! Impreuna cu Isabel sora ei si cu toti prietenii de la curtea regala Elena te va ajuta sa desenezi dupa contur sa completezi puzzle-uri sa gasesti iesirea din labirint si sa descoperi creaturile

Elena din Avalor – Cele mai bune surori. Caiet de activitati | Disney
Pret ≈ 12 RON / Carturesti / Litera
Caietele de activitati din seria Biblioteca magica Disney au fost concepute ca materiale de lucru pentru gradinita alaturi de cartile din aceeasi serie si sunt grupate pe trei niveluri. Fiecare poveste este insotita de activitati de invatare si de co

Disney Pixar Finding Dory Book of the Film
Pret ≈ 32 RON / Books-Express /
Relive Disney Pixar Finding Dory with this book and 8 pages of fin-tastic colour photos!

The Amazing Book of Disney Princess
Pret ≈ 77 RON / Books-Express /
From Cinderella to Pocahontas Ariel to Tiana The Amazing Book of Disney Princess lets fans discover more about their favourite fairytale princesses. With stunning pictures fun facts and an exciting quiz be transported to their kingdoms and discover t

The Art of the Disney Princess: Celebrating Jasmine
Pret ≈ 58 RON / Anticexlibris /
‘The Art of the Disney Princess: Celebrating Jasmine’ by Disney Editions offers a captivating glimpse into the creative process behind one of Disney’s iconic princesses …

Disney Elena din Avalor – Aventuri in Avalor – Citesc si ma joc!
Pret ≈ 16 RON / Libris / –
Pregateste-te sa pornesti intr-o aventura fascinanta in regatul Avalor impreuna cu Elena si prietena ei cea mai buna Naomi! Citeste povestea alege din fiecare coloana cuvintele potrivite si completeazaa spatiile ramase libere in text. E randul tau sa

Disney Kingdoms: Seekers Of The Weird
Pret ≈ 144 RON / Books-Express /
An all-new adventure inspired by Disney’s legendary but never built Museum of the Weird! When their parents are kidnapped teens Maxwell and Melody are thrust into a thrilling race through the world’s most strange and dangerous museum as they unite wi

Disney Frozen Book of the Film
Pret ≈ 28 RON / Books-Express /
Grab this easy to read book of Disney’s Frozen with 8 pages of colour scenes from the film!

The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs
Pret ≈ 147 RON / Books-Express /
This magnificent coffee table collection is a Disney lover’s dream come true! It is a guided tour through the many legendary years of Disney music from „Minnie’s Yoo Hoo” in 1930 up through „Reflection” from Mulan. The book begins with an extensive m

Disney Kids Readers The Story of Dante Pack Level 1 – Louise Fonceca
Pret ≈ 34 RON / Libris / Louise Fonceca
Disney Pixar Kids Readers The Story of Dante Pack Level 1 Dante is a happy dog. He likes bread and meat. He likes the town. He likes nice people. Miguel is a nice boy. Are Miguel and Dante friends? Your Reader comes with an audiobook on the Pearson E

Minunata lume disney – Paperback brosat – Elena Vlădăreanu – Nemira
Pret ≈ 24 RON / Cartepedia /
„Barthes spunea că fotografia surprinde moartea la viitor. Pornind de aici își construiește Elena volumul un intens poem performativ care nu seamănă cu nimic din poezia română contemporană și care re…

Elena din Avalor. Aventuri in Avalor. Citesc si ma joc – Disney
Pret ≈ 15 RON / Librariadelfin /
Elena din Avalor. Aventuri in Avalor. Citesc si ma joc – Disney

Elena din Avalor. O printesa pentru Avalor. 32 de planse de colorat – Disney
Pret ≈ 27 RON / Librariadelfin /
Elena din Avalor. O printesa pentru Avalor. 32 de planse de colorat – Disney

100 Disney Adventures of a Lifetime
Pret ≈ 76 RON / Anticexlibris /
In this beautifully illustrated treasury discover 100 beloved and little-known Disney adventures–from labyrinths under Sleeping Beauty’s Castle to a dinner club with Wa…

Pret ≈ 101 RON / Anticexlibris /
An exceptionally unique look at the development of the newest film from Walt Disney Animation Studios Strange World! The Art of Strange World highlights the stunning art…

Disney Elena din Avalor: Cele mai bune surori. Carte gigant
Pret ≈ 32 RON / Libris / –
Editie adaptata de Gabriela Barbulescu. Volumele din seria Biblioteca magica Disney contin povesti adaptate nivelului de intelegere al copiilor de varsta prescolara. Ele sunt gandite in primul rand pentru a fi folosite ca materiale de lucru la gradin

Disney Villains : a Portrait of Evil
Pret ≈ 50 RON / Anticexlibris /
‘History’s wickedest luminaries’–Cover.

Disney Frozen 2: Forest of Shadows, Kamilla Benko
Pret ≈ 20 RON / Anticexlibris /
This thrilling young adult novel bridges the epic adventures of Frozen and Frozen 2 Format: Paperback Pagination: 416 pages

Pret ≈ 20 RON / Anticexlibris /
Get ready for an adventure! This Disney-Pixar Collection is packed with awesome stories activities colouring pages and amazing stickers. Learn how to scare with Mike a…

Diary of a Wimpy Kid – Vol 1 – Diary of a Wimpy Kid Special Disney Cover Edition
Pret ≈ 45 RON / Bookcity / Penguin Books
In 2007 Diary of a Wimpy Kid was published introducing readers to Greg Heffley and his family his best friend Rowley Jefferson and the dreaded Cheese Touch.More than 250 million copies later Diary of a Wimpy Kid has become a beloved book all around t

Disney Pixar: My Mega Book of Fun
Pret ≈ 30 RON / Anticexlibris /
It’s time for the ultimate adventure with all your Disney Pixar friends! With three awesome stories to enjoy plus amazing stickers activities and colouring pages this…

Disney Pixar Finding Dory Ocean of Adventure Colour and Activity with Crayons
Pret ≈ 29 RON / Books-Express /
Use your fin-tastic jumbo crayons and over 30 stickers for some unforgettable fun with this Disney Pixar Finding Dory Ocean of Adventure activity book!

Disney Pixar Toy Story 4 Book Of Film
Pret ≈ 15 RON / Anticexlibris /
The world is a big place when you are a toy. Join Woody and the gang for a new adventure as the cowboy learns that anything is possible with friends by your side. …