The Great American Read : The Book of Books
Pret ≈ 50 RON / Anticexlibris /
A blockbuster illustrated book that captures what Americans love to read The Great American Read: The Book of Books is the gorgeously-produced companion book to PBS’s am…

The Faber book of new South American cinema
Pret ≈ 13 RON / Anticexlibris /
Walter Salles’s film The Motorcycle Diaries follows the journey made by the young medical student Che Guevara across Argentina through Chile to Peru. At the climax Gu…

Los Angeles in the American Journals of Petru Comarnescu and Stelian Tanase – Georgiana Lolea
Pret ≈ 76 RON / Libris / Georgiana Lolea
Thom Andersen’s Los Angeles Plays Itself (2003) hailed as "a city symphony in reverse " challenges whether the movies have ever really depicted Los Angeles. I attempt to address a similar question in my present work which focuses on travel

The American Tradition of Descent / Dissent – Adina Ciugureanu, Ludmila Martanovschi
Pret ≈ 70 RON / Libris / Adina Ciugureanu
The American Tradition of Descent/Dissent: The Underground the Countercultural the (Anti)Utopian Editie in limba engleza From Contents: – the American tradition of Descent in the Recent Fiction of Dissent – I Married a Communist: Philip Roth’s Other

Pret ≈ 106 RON / Libris / Curt Zoller
Winston Churchill was only 20 when he met the man whom he credited more than any other with shaping him as a statesman and an orator. As Churchill I regard his as the biggest and most original mind I have ever met. When I was a young man he instantly

The Great American Chocolate Chip Cookie Book
Pret ≈ 18 RON / Anticexlibris /
A history guidebook and cookbook showcasing the chocolate chip cookie! Wyman tells the true story of the cookie’s invention; provides a state-by-state survey of bakerie…

The Uss Essex and the Birth of the American Navy
Pret ≈ 13 RON / Anticexlibris /
Chronicles the adventures of the USS Essex built in 1799 it became the first U.S. warship to round the Cape of Good Hope as well as round the Horn into the Pacific.

Hue 1968: A Turning Point of the American War in Vietnam
Pret ≈ 20 RON / Anticexlibris /
By January 1968 the fighting in Vietnam seemed to be at a stalemate. Yet General William Westmoreland commander of American forces announced a new phase of the war in …

Antisocial: Online Extremists, Techno-Utopians, and the Hijacking of the American Conversation
Pret ≈ 20 RON / Anticexlibris /
From a rising star at The New Yorker comes a deeply immersive chronicle of how the optimistic entrepreneurs of Silicon Valley set out to create a free and democratic inte…

Taking Liberties: The War on Terror and the Erosion of American Democracy
Pret ≈ 18 RON / Anticexlibris /
In this eye-opening work the president of the ACLU takes a hard look at the human and social costs of the War on Terror. Over a decade after 9/11 it is far from clear …

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave – Frederick Douglass
Pret ≈ 120 RON / Librariadelfin /
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave – Frederick Douglass

American Identity and the Politics of Multiculturalism – Jack Citrin, David O. Sears
Pret ≈ 185 RON / Librariadelfin /
American Identity and the Politics of Multiculturalism – Jack Citrin David O. Sears

The American Journal of the Medical Sciences, Vol. 196 (Classic Reprint)
Pret ≈ 127 RON / Books-Express /
Excerpt from The American Journal of the Medical Sciences Vol. 196 The following four cases are typical examples of myx dema and their publication may perhaps contribute toward the solution of some of the doubtful points in the pathology of the disea

The American Society of Addiction Medicine Handbook of Addiction Medicine
Pret ≈ 354 RON / Books-Express /
The American Society of Addiction Medicine Handbook of Addiction Medicine is a practical evidence-based guide to the identification and treatment of substance use disorders. Produced by the largest medical society dedicated to the improvement of addi

PT 109: An American Epic of War, Survival, and the Destiny of John F. Kennedy
Pret ≈ 18 RON / Anticexlibris /
In the early morning darkness of August 2 1943 during a chaotic nighttime skirmish amid the Solomon Islands the Japanese destroyer Amagiri barreled through thick fog …

Spiritual American Trash Portraits From The Margins Of Art And Faith
Pret ≈ 13 RON / Anticexlibris /
In Spiritual American Trash Greg Bottoms goes beyond the examination of eight ‘outsider artists’ and inhabits the spirit of their work and stories in engaging vignettes….

The Call of the Weird : Travels in American Subcultures
Pret ≈ 20 RON / Anticexlibris /
For ten years Louis Theroux has been making programmes about off-beat characters on the fringes of US society. Now he revisits America and the people who have most fasci…

The Best of the Harvard Lampoon 140 Years of American Humor
Pret ≈ 13 RON / Anticexlibris /
A collection of the best of The Harvard Lampoon –the spawning ground for Hollywood’s elite comedy writers and New Yorker humorists–revealing the hidden gems from their …

The Flight of the Century: Charles Lindbergh and the Rise of American Aviation
Pret ≈ 18 RON / Anticexlibris /
In The Flight of the Century Thomas Kessner takes a fresh look at one of America’s greatest moments explaining how what was essentially a publicity stunt became a turn…

Pret ≈ 207 RON / Books-Express /
Written by the creator of the nationally acclaimed course “Conrad Fischer’s Internal Medicine Board Review ” the Kaplan Medical Internal Medicine Question Book offers 500 sample questions that teach students how to answer the most important topics te

Secrets of the American Revolution
Pret ≈ 20 RON / Anticexlibris /
The American Revolution was a war that allowed the birth of a new country. Secrets of the American Revolution reveals little-known stories of the people weapons and bat…

America, Inc : The Promise and Power of American Capitalism
Pret ≈ 22 RON / Anticexlibris /
‘America Inc.: Promisiunea și Puterea Capitalismului American – O Istorie de 400 de Ani’ oferă o explorare cuprinzătoare a evoluției capitalismului american pe parcursu…

Los Angeles in the American Journals of Petru Comarnescu and Stelian Tanase – Georgiana Lolea
Pret ≈ 76 RON / Librariadelfin /
Los Angeles in the American Journals of Petru Comarnescu and Stelian Tanase – Georgiana Lolea

The MacArthur Highway and Other Relics of American Empire in the Philippines
Pret ≈ 20 RON / Anticexlibris /
It has been more than a century since the American conquest and subsequent annexation of the Philippines. Although the nation was given its independence in 1946 American…

Pret ≈ 28 RON / Librariadelfin /
Life in America. An introduction to the study of contemporary american culture. Editia a 2-a – Ovidiu Leonte

The AEF Way of War: The American Army and Combat in World War I – Mark Ethan Grotelueschen
Pret ≈ 246 RON / Librariadelfin /
The AEF Way of War: The American Army and Combat in World War I – Mark Ethan Grotelueschen

Pret ≈ 51 RON / Libris / –
Explore Captivating Stories and Facts about African American History! The history of African Americans is a long and tragic chronicle of events. The people who dared to stand up and speak out against the systemic cruelty and oppression were often bru

The Century’s Midnight: Dissenting European and American Writers in the Era of the Second World War
Pret ≈ 13 RON / Anticexlibris /
The Century’s Midnight is an exploration of the literary and political relationships between a number of ideologically sophisticated American and European writers during…

The American Revolution and Righteous Community: Selected Sermons of Bishop Robert Smith
Pret ≈ 13 RON / Anticexlibris /
This selection of twenty-seven sermons delivered by Bishop Robert Smith (1732-1801) from the pulpit of Charleston’s oldest Episcopal church gives voice to an influential …

The Soul of an American President
Pret ≈ 20 RON / Anticexlibris /
While there have been many biographies of Dwight D. Eisenhower that focus on his military career or the time of his presidency none clearly explores the important role f…

Inventing Baby Food: Taste, Health, and the Industrialization of the American Diet
Pret ≈ 151 RON / Books-Express /
Food consumption is a significant and complex social activityand what a society chooses to feed its children reveals much about its tastes and ideas regarding health. In this groundbreaking historical work Amy Bentley explores how the invention of co

Pret ≈ 214 RON / Books-Express /
The realization of the 23rd IFHE Congress from October 13th to 16th 2014 in Buenos Aires Argentina was an old wish of the Argentine Association of Hospital Architecture and Engineering (AADAIH) not only of its present members but also of earlier memb

The Science of Human Perfection – How Genes Became the Heart of American Medicine
Pret ≈ 95 RON / Books-Express /
Almost daily we hear news stories advertisements and scientific reports promising that genetic medicine will make us live longer enable doctors to identify and treat diseases before they harm us and individualize our medical care. But surprisingly a

Code of Medical Ethics of the American Medical Association, 2014-2015 Ed
Pret ≈ 387 RON / Books-Express /
For more than a century and a half the Code of Medical Ethics has helped set the standard for everyone involved with the medical industry in regard to upholding the highest level of medical professionalism. As a statement of the enduring values to wh

Dangerous Digestion – The Politics of American Dietary Advice
Pret ≈ 165 RON / Books-Express /
Drawing on social and political history as well as the history of science and popular culture this book examines how American ideas about dietary reform mirror broader thinking about social reform.

Meeting the American Diabetes Association Standards of Care, 2nd edition
Pret ≈ 300 RON / Books-Express /
Improving glycemic lipid and blood pressure outcomes is the essence of diabetes care. Maintaining consistently positive results is an ongoing challenge for every healthcare professional. After years of clinical practice Mayer Davidson MD has develope