The Principles Of Design

The World of Environmental Design

The World of Environmental Design

Pret ≈ 52 RON / Anticexlibris /
Yes you need to encourage your children to draw. Why? Because it’s a mode of communication that does not involve words. Remember that kids are not yet very good when i…

Out of The Box: Ready-To-Use Display Packaging

Out of The Box: Ready-To-Use Display Packaging

Pret ≈ 26 RON / Anticexlibris /
Packaging is an essential aspect of retailing any manufactured product. Display packaging has traditionally served to showcase merchandise securely and inexpensively. Th…

Design in the Terrain of Water

Design in the Terrain of Water

Pret ≈ 35 RON / Anticexlibris /
Design in the Terrain of Water makes room for water as a ground in design: water that is everywhere before it is somewhere; water that is in rain before it is in rivers …

Antropofogia arhitecturii braziliene / The anthropophagy of brazilian architecture - Paperback brosat - Arpad Zachi - Fundația Arhitext Design

Antropofogia arhitecturii braziliene / The anthropophagy of brazilian architecture – Paperback brosat – Arpad Zachi – Fundația Arhitext Design

Pret ≈ 25 RON / Cartepedia /
Cuprins: 3 ARPAD ZACHITimpul devorat spaţiul trăitThe Devoured time the Lived Space 6 VANESA RAMOS‑VELASQUEZRe-manifest antropofagic pentru era digitalăAnthropophagic Re‑Manifesto for the Digital Age…

The Elements of Graphic Design

The Elements of Graphic Design

Pret ≈ 141 RON / Bookcity / Simon Schuster
In full color with over 750 images to enhance and clarify the concepts this thought-provoking resource is for graphic designers professors and students.This Third Edition wholly revised and updated with essays on design thinking by seven industry lea

Wandering the Garden of Technology and Passion

Wandering the Garden of Technology and Passion

Pret ≈ 40 RON / Anticexlibris /
John Marx is of the generation of design architects who witnessed their pencils morph into mouses and their drafting tables into computer desktops. Throughout this trans…

Out of the Box: Ready-To-Use Pop Packaging

Out of the Box: Ready-To-Use Pop Packaging

Pret ≈ 26 RON / Anticexlibris /
Packaging is an essential aspect of retailing any manufactured products. Point-of-Purchase (POP) packaging has traditionally served to showcase merchandise securely and …

Sfârșitul regiei, începutul creației colective în teatrul european / The End of Directing, The Beginning of Theatre-Making and Devising in European Theatre - Paperback brosat - Iulia Popovici - Tact

Sfârșitul regiei, începutul creației colective în teatrul european / The End of Directing, The Beginning of Theatre-Making and Devising in European Theatre – Paperback brosat – Iulia Popovici – Tact

Pret ≈ 35 RON / Cartepedia /
Festivalul Internațional de Teatru de la Sibiu vă propune o dezbatere despre teatrul din Europa de astăzi despre dialogul dintre regizor și autor despre autorul care-și asumă creația întregului spec…

The Genius of Design

The Genius of Design

Pret ≈ 46 RON / Anticexlibris /
Revealing how design gives our life meaning and helps us understand what it is to be human ‘The Genius of Design’ examines design both as a process and as a product–

The Romanian Baroque: Gestures of Authority, Echoes and Answers - Hardcover - Constantin Hoştiuc - Noi Media Print

The Romanian Baroque: Gestures of Authority, Echoes and Answers – Hardcover – Constantin Hoştiuc – Noi Media Print

Pret ≈ 57 RON / Cartepedia /
Autorul albumului dr. Constantin Hostiuc face o incursiune in lumea fascinanta a barocului explicandu-ne originile si modul organic in care s-a format acest stil artistic in secolul 17 in cele doua…

Population Pharmacokinetic Modelling and Simulation of Monoclonal Antibodies Including the Impact of Immunogenicity and Importance of Study and Analysis Design Factors

Population Pharmacokinetic Modelling and Simulation of Monoclonal Antibodies Including the Impact of Immunogenicity and Importance of Study and Analysis Design Factors

Pret ≈ 232 RON / Books-Express /
In the present thesis pharmacometric modelling methodologies were applied to determine the pharmacokinetics of sibrotuzumab a humanised therapeutic monoclonal antibody and to account for the in uence of immunogenicity. Furthermore design factors in u

Star Pieces: The Enduring Beauty of Spectacular Furniture

Star Pieces: The Enduring Beauty of Spectacular Furniture

Pret ≈ 50 RON / Anticexlibris /
The authors each of whom are experts on furniture share their knowledge of its value and importance from an intellectual and emotional perspective and describe how be…

The Best of the Best of Brochure Design: Volume II

The Best of the Best of Brochure Design: Volume II

Pret ≈ 26 RON / Anticexlibris /
This collection the “best of the best” brochure design into one stunning showcase compiling hundreds of ideas pages of inspiration and armloads of advice for professio…

The Art of Wallpaper

The Art of Wallpaper

Pret ≈ 26 RON / Anticexlibris /
The choice of wallpaper – an intricate floral motif a complex repeat pattern or a bold abstract design – can transform a room. The Art of Wallpaper: Colour * Draw * Cre…

The Elegance of Contemporary Spaces

The Elegance of Contemporary Spaces

Pret ≈ 59 RON / Anticexlibris /
This book is about the latest work of contemporary design .Architects and interior specialists have worked to create a fascinating mix of volume and perspective of lig…

Interiors And The Legacy Of Postmodernism

Interiors And The Legacy Of Postmodernism

Pret ≈ 60 RON / Anticexlibris /
Sir Terry Farrell was one of the pioneers of the Postmodern style as seen in his early TV-am building. This is the first book to focus on his interiors which helped de…

Romanian Revolution Televised. Contributions to the Cultural History of Media - Paperback brosat - Ovidiu Ţichindeleanu, Konrad Petrovszky - Idea Design

Romanian Revolution Televised. Contributions to the Cultural History of Media – Paperback brosat – Ovidiu Ţichindeleanu, Konrad Petrovszky – Idea Design

Pret ≈ 35 RON / Cartepedia /
With this volume we would like to celebrate critically the importance of the Revolution of 1989 as a problem-event that cannot be worked out in any of the subsequent answers. The Revolution is set in…

The Art of Graphic Design

The Art of Graphic Design

Pret ≈ 40 RON / Anticexlibris /
Graphic design stands at the intersection of art and communication serving as a powerful tool to convey ideas evoke emotions and create visual experiences. Among the …

Women and Slavery in the Late Ottoman Empire: The Design of Difference - Madeline Zilfi

Women and Slavery in the Late Ottoman Empire: The Design of Difference – Madeline Zilfi

Pret ≈ 201 RON / Librariadelfin /
Women and Slavery in the Late Ottoman Empire: The Design of Difference – Madeline Zilfi

Type Teams : The Principles Behind Perfect Type Face Combinations

Type Teams : The Principles Behind Perfect Type Face Combinations

Pret ≈ 29 RON / Anticexlibris /
Every creative brief requires its own unique typographic solution to achieve both individuality and visual harmony. This is why the question ‘what’s the best typeface co…

AIA 2010-2012 Designs of the New Decade - Hardcover - *** - Design Media Publishing Limited

AIA 2010-2012 Designs of the New Decade – Hardcover – *** – Design Media Publishing Limited

Pret ≈ 120 RON / Cartepedia /
In the book the AIA recognizes three years worth of award recipients across four categories: architecture interior architecture regional and urban design and its esteemed Twenty-Five Year Award….

Mural Painting in the North of Moldavia. Aesthetic Modification and Restoration - Hardcover - Oliviu Boldura - ACS

Mural Painting in the North of Moldavia. Aesthetic Modification and Restoration – Hardcover – Oliviu Boldura – ACS

Pret ≈ 53 RON / Cartepedia /
Cartea reprezintă o contribuţie ştiinţifică originală în cercetarea problemelor restaurării şi conservării picturii murale din Moldova şi a picturii murale în general depăşind totuşi dimensiunea știi…

Museums: The Symbol of a City - Hardcover - Xiaolu Li - Design Media Publishing Limited

Museums: The Symbol of a City – Hardcover – Xiaolu Li – Design Media Publishing Limited

Pret ≈ 95 RON / Cartepedia /
A museum is a materialised history; there with the historical relics on display we have dialogues with history. As we have realised that a museum would be a useful tool for the publicity of a city …

La portile Edenului. At the Gates of Eden - Florin Petrachi

La portile Edenului. At the Gates of Eden – Florin Petrachi

Pret ≈ 190 RON / Libris / Florin Petrachi
Cand am vazut primele tablouri ale lui Florin Petrachi m-am gandit imediat la Gauguin si la acele paradisuri indepartate pe care neobosit le-a cautat. […] La ceasul infernului sa profitam de paradis. Si sa ne refugiem in frumusetea paradisului scri

Spirit of the Machine

Spirit of the Machine

Pret ≈ 13 RON / Anticexlibris /
This book examines the influence that science and industry has had in the inspiration of design with particular emphasis on the field of architecture. Using case s…

The Principles and Power of Vision: Keys to Achieving Personal and Corporate Destiny - Myles Munroe

The Principles and Power of Vision: Keys to Achieving Personal and Corporate Destiny – Myles Munroe

Pret ≈ 77 RON / Libris / Myles Munroe
Whether you are a businessperson a departmental manager an employee a homemaker a student or a head of state author Myles Munroe explains how you can make your dreams and hopes a living reality. Through The Principles and Power of Vision you will&hel

The A-Z of Typography

The A-Z of Typography

Pret ≈ 40 RON / Anticexlibris /
It opens with an A-Z of a range of significant fonts chosen to represent the typographic spectrum. As well as looking at each font’s historical context and design ethos…

Statistical Aspects of the Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials (Revised Edition)

Statistical Aspects of the Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials (Revised Edition)

Pret ≈ 649 RON / Books-Express /
Fully updated this revised edition describes the statistical aspects of both the design and analysis of trials with particular emphasis on the more recent methods of analysis.About 8000 clinical trials are undertaken annually in all areas of medicine

The Art of Urban Design/ Arta proiectului urban

The Art of Urban Design/ Arta proiectului urban

Pret ≈ 140 RON / Libhumanitas / Idea Design & Print
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Design and Analysis of Experiments in the Health Sciences

Design and Analysis of Experiments in the Health Sciences

Pret ≈ 258 RON / Books-Express /
An accessible and practical approach to the design and analysis of experiments in the health sciences Design and Analysis of Experiments in the Health Sciences provides a balanced presentation of design and analysis issues relating to data in the hea

Principles of Anatomy & Physiology [With A Brief Atlas of the Skeleton and Surface Anatomy]

Principles of Anatomy & Physiology [With A Brief Atlas of the Skeleton and Surface Anatomy]

Pret ≈ 1142 RON / Books-Express /
This text is an unbound binder-ready edition. This 14th edition of the phenomenally successful Principles of Anatomy and Physiology continues to set the standard for the discipline. Written and superbly illustrated for two-term introductory Anatomy a

The Principles and Practice of Nutritional Support

The Principles and Practice of Nutritional Support

Pret ≈ 377 RON / Books-Express /
This book provides the reader with an understanding of human nutritional and metabolic physiology and how it goes wrong in illness. Divided into three major sections the volume instructs the reader on how and when to use nutritional support and inclu

The Principles and Practice of Surgery, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint)

The Principles and Practice of Surgery, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint)

Pret ≈ 144 RON / Books-Express /
Excerpt from The Principles and Practice of Surgery Vol. 1 The aim of this book is to place before the reader the more practical issues of Surgery from the standpoint of the General Surgeon. Theoretical considerations are detailed only when of import