Heroes of Olympus, The Book Three The Mark of Athena
Pret ≈ 63 RON / Books-Express /
In The Son of Neptune Percy Hazel and Frank met in Camp Jupiter the Roman equivalent of Camp Halfblood and traveled to the land beyond the gods to complete a dangerous quest. The third book in the Heroes of Olympus series will unite them with Jason P

The Mark of Athena (Heroes of Olympus Book 3)
Pret ≈ 45 RON / Books-Express /
The Mark of Athena is the explosive third part in Rick Riordan’s number one series – Heroes of Olympus. ONE FATAL PROPHECY SEVEN BRAVE DEMIGODS A QUEST TO FIND – AND CLOSE – THE DOORS OF DEATH. Annabeth felt as if someone had draped a cold washcloth

The Heroes of Olympus – Book Three The Mark of Athena
Pret ≈ 116 RON / Books-Express /
In The Son of Neptune Percy Hazel and Frank met in Camp Jupiter the Roman equivalent of Camp Halfblood and traveled to the land beyond the gods to complete a dangerous quest. The third book in the Heroes of Olympus series will unite them with Jason P

Heroes of Olympus – Vol 3 – The Mark of Athena
Pret ≈ 49 RON / Bookcity / Penguin Books
The SECOND title in this number one bestselling spin-off series from Percy Jackson creator Rick Riordan.This crazy messed up world of gods and monsters is Percy Jackson’s reality which pretty much sucks for him. Percy Jackson son of Poseidon God of t

Mark of the Cyclops: An Ancient Greek Mystery
Pret ≈ 34 RON / Books-Express /
„It seems you have a talent for solving problems. I believe Gaia is innocent. Find the real culprit and I’ll pay you in gold…”Athens 434 BC.Nico’s new friend Thrax has a strange knack of figuring things out. And when a valuable wedding vase is brok

Pret ≈ 49 RON / Books-Express /
For fans of „The City of Ember” and „The School of Good and Evil ” the „New York Times” bestseller „The Mark of the Dragonfly” is a fast-paced adventure story about a mysterious girl and a fearless boy set in a magical world that is both exciting and

Mark Twain’s the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Pret ≈ 300 RON / Books-Express /
Presents a collection of critical essays on the novel that analyze its structure characters themes and portrayal of race issues. Hailed by writers and critics alike as one of the most important American novels ever published Mark Twain’s quintessenti

Mark of the Plague (A Blackthorn Key adventure)
Pret ≈ 12 RON / Books-Express /
BOILS BLOOD AND A BURNING FEVER – THE BLACK DEATH HAS RETURNED TO LONDON . . . As the dreaded sickness spreads through the city striking down rich and poor alike an unknown man arrives with a miracle cure. But when an assassin threatens the life of t

Pret ≈ 43 RON / Books-Express /
Phaedrus the gladiator wins his freedom after years of bloody battles in the arena. Soon he finds himself riding north towards the wilds of Caledonia on a strange mission. He is to assume the identity of Midir Lord of the Horse People to seek vengean

Pret ≈ 104 RON / Books-Express /
Christopher Rowe is back and there are more puzzles riddles and secrets to uncover in this follow-up to the Indie Next pick „The Blackthorn Key ” which was called a spectacular debut by „Kirkus Reviews” in a starred review. The Black Death has come t

Pret ≈ 98 RON / Books-Express /
Piper lives in a world where the veil into others is thin. Meteor storms rain down objects from other lands which Piper and her neighbors gather and sell to the rich citizens of the Dragonfly territories. Scavenging these strange odds and ends is the

DANDYISM. The Rise and Fall of a Concept – Petru Stefan Ionescu
Pret ≈ 34 RON / Librariadelfin /
DANDYISM. The Rise and Fall of a Concept – Petru Stefan Ionescu

Vera Brittain and the First World War. The Story of Testament of Youth – Mark Bostridge
Pret ≈ 13 RON / Librariadelfin /
Vera Brittain and the First World War. The Story of Testament of Youth – Mark Bostridge

English Readers Level 2 Doctor Who. The Robot of Sherwood – Mark Gatiss
Pret ≈ 38 RON / Librariadelfin /
English Readers Level 2 Doctor Who. The Robot of Sherwood – Mark Gatiss

Barbatii secolului. The men of the century, romana-engleza – Paulina Popa
Pret ≈ 25 RON / Librariadelfin /
Barbatii secolului. The men of the century romana-engleza – Paulina Popa

Origin. The Novel of A Dead World – Voichita Tulcan Macovei
Pret ≈ 30 RON / Librariadelfin /
Origin. The Novel of A Dead World – Voichita Tulcan Macovei

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn – Mark Twain
Pret ≈ 129 RON / Librariadelfin /
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn – Mark Twain

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer – Mark Twain
Pret ≈ 63 RON / Librariadelfin /
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer – Mark Twain

Pret ≈ 38 RON / Books-Express /
Bewitching debut teen fiction from Inkpop sensation – dark magic prophecies and irresistible romance collide in this beguiling read.

The Power of WOW | Tony Hsieh, Mark Dagostino
Pret ≈ 10 RON / Carturesti / Publica
De la crearea sa in timpul boomului „dot com” din 1999 si pana la momentul in care a fost cumparata de Amazon in 2009 Zappos compania de servicii pentru clienti continua sa uimeasca datorita spiritului sau antreprenorial perturbator si angajatilor sa

The Mystery of the Griefer’s Mark
Pret ≈ 27 RON / Books-Express /
If you like Minecraft you’ll love this gaming novel! One day Steve hears a loud BOOM! His farm has been destroyed and his diamond sword is missing. Who could have done this? Steve must call on his friends to help him. Of course they are happy to help

Pret ≈ 46 RON / Books-Express /
Leigh Fallon’s Shadow of the Mark the sequel to Carrier of the Mark is a captivating love story set against the lush backdrop of Ireland. Megan knew she was destined to be with Adam from the first moment she saw him and now they are determined

Pret ≈ 185 RON / Librariadelfin /
The Nature of Life: Classical and Contemporary Perspectives from Philosophy and Science – Mark A. Bedau Carol E. Cleland

Pret ≈ 44 RON / Books-Express /
A terrifying sequel to „Long Lankin” moving between 1567 and 1962. Restoration work on an old hall seems to disturb something hidden there long ago – the spirit of Aphra Rushes intent on finishing what she began four centuries ago. Ages: 12+.

The Power of Wow – Mark Dagostino, Tony Hsieh
Pret ≈ 55 RON / Libris / Tony Hsieh
The Power of Wow. Cum sa-ti electrizezi munca si viata punand serviciile pe primul loc De la crearea sa in timpul boomului „dot com” din 1999 si pana la momentul in care a fost cumparata de Amazon in 2009 Zappos compania de servicii pentr

Spider-Man: Mark of the Tarantula
Pret ≈ 62 RON / Anticexlibris /
Fan-favorite creators Roger Stern and John Romita Jr. spin some of their most startling Spidey stories! When one of Marvel’s most terrifying tag-teams challenges the wall…

Anatomia Lunii. The Anatomy of the Moon – Adrian Sangeorzan
Pret ≈ 32 RON / Libris / Adrian Sangeorzan
Editie bilingva: Romana-engleza Anatomia Lunii Dintotdeauna am crezut ca luna E legata de pamant cu o sfoara. La inceput ma uitam la cer cu mana la ochi Pentru ca cerul era dat la maxim Si stelele cazatoare lasau in urma un fel de funingine De care m

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life – Mark Manson
Pret ≈ 117 RON / Libris / Mark Manson
• New York Times Bestseller In this generation-defining self-help guide a superstar blogger cuts through the crap to show us how to stop trying to be "positive" all the time so that we can truly become better happier people. For decade

Pret ≈ 62 RON / Libris / Theodora Goss
The Sinister Mystery of the Mesmerizing Girl is the 3rd book in The Extraordinary Adventures of the Athena Club Series. Mary Jekyll and the Athena Club foil a plot to unseat the Queen and race to save one of their own in this electrifying conclusion

The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*Ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life, Mark Manson
Pret ≈ 119 RON / Librariadelfin /
The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*Ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life Mark Manson

Feeling Dubrovnik through the music of Milo Hrnic – Simona Pinzaru
Pret ≈ 68 RON / Librariadelfin /
Feeling Dubrovnik through the music of Milo Hrnic – Simona Pinzaru

The AEF Way of War: The American Army and Combat in World War I – Mark Ethan Grotelueschen
Pret ≈ 246 RON / Librariadelfin /
The AEF Way of War: The American Army and Combat in World War I – Mark Ethan Grotelueschen

English Readers Level 2. Doctor Who. The Robot of Sherwood Book + CD – Mark Gatiss
Pret ≈ 53 RON / Librariadelfin /
English Readers Level 2. Doctor Who. The Robot of Sherwood Book + CD – Mark Gatiss

The Darker Angels of Our Nature – Philip Dwyer, Mark Micale
Pret ≈ 123 RON / Libris / Mark Micale
The Darker Angels of Our Nature. Refuting the Pinker Theory of History & Violence In The Better Angels of Our Nature Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker argued that modern history has witnessed a dramatic decline in human violence of every kind an

The Power of WOW – Paperback brosat – Mark Dagostino, Tony Hsieh – Publica
Pret ≈ 55 RON / Cartepedia /
Cu noi perspective din partea lui Tony Hsieh CEO Zappos.com și autorul bestsellerului Cum să livrezi fericire.De la angajații Zappos cu sprijinul lui Mark Dagostino coautor de bestselleruri New Yor…

Mark of the Raven – Morgan L. Busse
Pret ≈ 81 RON / Libris / Morgan L. Busse
Lady Selene is the heir to the Great House of Ravenwood and the secret family gift of dreamwalking. As a dreamwalker she can enter a person’s dreams and manipulate their greatest fears or desires. For the last hundred years the Ravenwood women have u