Poptropica English Islands Level 5 Teacher’s Book – Magdalena Custodio, Oscar Ruiz
Pret ≈ 190 RON / Libris / Magdalena Custodio
Poptropica English Islands Level 5 Teacher’s Book with Online World Access Code + Test Book pack An introduction highlighting the main features of the course. A ‘tour’ of a unit. Advice on how to use Active Teach and Island Adventure Game in class. A
Poptropica English Level 5 Activity Book
Pret ≈ 53 RON / Librariadelfin /
Poptropica English Level 5 Activity Book
Poptropica – Vol 2 – Expeditia pierduta
Pret ≈ 43 RON / Bookcity / Mini Grafic
Expeditia disparuta este volumul al II-lea din seria Poptropica Cu Octavian pe urmele lor Mya Oliver si Jorge incearca sa plece din Poptropica cu ajutorul hartii fermecate. Au insa de infruntat un nou pericol: o organizatie secreta a carei misiune es
Poptropica – Vol 4 – Sfarsitul timpului
Pret ≈ 43 RON / Bookcity / Mini Grafic
Sfarsitul timpului este volumul al IV-lea din seria Poptropica Dupa ce au distrus Aegisul Mya Oliver si Jorge se afla intr-o mare incurcatura: sediul Protectorilor e in ruina; ticalosul de Octavian e de negasit; si s-ar putea ca prezenta lor in Poptr
Poptropica – Vol 3 – Societatea secreta
Pret ≈ 43 RON / Bookcity / Mini Grafic
Societatea secreta este volumul al III-lea din seria Poptropica Mya Oliver si Jorge sunt prinsi de o organizatie secreta al carei scop e sa protejeze cu orice preti Potropica de intrusi. Si cum un necaz nu vine niciodata singur Octavian reuseste sa p
Poptropica English Ice Island Adventure Kids Readers Level 5 – Coleen Degnan-Veness
Pret ≈ 37 RON / Libris / Coleen Degnan-Veness
Jason Strong the explorer and his cousins Megan and Greg are looking for yetis on Ice Island. But something strange is happening on the island; it is getting warmer. Jason must do something quickly or Ice Town will flood! Can Jason stop the thieves D
Poptropica English Islands Activity Book Level 5 + My Language Kit – Magdalena Custodio, Oscar Ruiz
Pret ≈ 80 RON / Libris / Oscar Ruiz
Welcome to Poptropica English Islands a six level primary English series that engages young learners like never before. The unique combination of beautiful in-class materials and fun-filled online activities songs and games creates a world of excitem
Poptropica English Islands: Pupil’s Book. Level 5 + Access Code – Magdalena Custodio, Oscar Ruiz
Pret ≈ 92 RON / Libris / Oscar Ruiz
Poptropica English makes learning English an unforgettable adventure! Welcome to Poptropica English a six level primary English series that engages young learners like never before. The unique combination of beautiful in-class materials and fun-fille
Produse cumparate impreuna cu Poptropica Vol 5
1. Joc video Minecraft
2. Set de construcție LEGO Classic
3. Carte de colorat pentru copii