Adventures of Huckleberry Finn + Online Expansion (A2) – Paperback brosat – Black Cat Cideb
Pret ≈ 44 RON / Cartepedia /
When Huckleberry Finn meets Jim a runaway slave they decide to travel North on the mighty Mississippi River. They have all sorts of incredible adventures meet all kinds of people and get into a lot…

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Pret ≈ 40 RON / Books-Express /
Mark Twain’s classic tale of escape and adventure rivetingly retold for today’s readers. To get away from his violent drunken father Huckleberry Finn fakes his own death and lives wild in the woods. He soon meets Jim a runaway slave and the two outca

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Pret ≈ 40 RON / Anticexlibris /
‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’ by Mark Twain is compelling for its multifaceted exploration of societal issues through the eyes of its protagonist Huck Finn. Set a…

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Pret ≈ 30 RON / Anticexlibris /
From the beautiful collectable series no home library should be without this enduring essential classic.

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Pret ≈ 29 RON / Anticexlibris /
First published in 1884 Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is among the first novels in American literature to be written throughout in vernacular English. So…

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Pret ≈ 87 RON / Books-Express /
Join Huck and Jim as they journey down the Mississippi in this beloved companion to „The Adventures of Tom Sawyer „and a standalone classic in its own right with a fresh new cover and interior illustrations. You don t know about me without you have r

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Pret ≈ 36 RON / Books-Express /
Sail down the Mississippi with rascally Huck Finn! Huck Finn spits swears smokes a pipe and never goes to school. With his too-big clothes and battered straw hat Huck is in need of ‘civilising’ and the Widow Douglas is d

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Pret ≈ 38 RON / Books-Express /
You don’t know about me without you have read a book by the name of „The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” but that ain’t no matter. So begins in characteristic fashion one of the greatest American novels. Narrated by a poor illiterate white boy living in Am

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Pret ≈ 18 RON / Anticexlibris /
In this timeless classic join Huck and Jim as they encounter a wrecked steamship full of thieves a fake duke and king and two families locked in an epic feud.

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn – Mark Twain
Pret ≈ 129 RON / Librariadelfin /
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn – Mark Twain

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Pret ≈ 26 RON / Anticexlibris /
In the annals of American literature few works stand as prominently as ‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’ by Mark Twain. Published in 1884 this timeless novel ca…

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Pret ≈ 29 RON / Anticexlibris /
Explore or rediscover Mark Twain’s masterpiece and one of the best American novels ever written in an elegantly designed cloth-bound portable format with an elastic clo…

A Novel Journal: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Pret ≈ 30 RON / Anticexlibris /
O poveste usturătoare și adesea ilară situată în sudul american de dinainte de război Aventurile lui Huckleberry Finn de Mark Twain este mai mult decât un roman pentru…

Mark Twain’s the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Pret ≈ 300 RON / Books-Express /
Presents a collection of critical essays on the novel that analyze its structure characters themes and portrayal of race issues. Hailed by writers and critics alike as one of the most important American novels ever published Mark Twain’s quintessenti

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Pret ≈ 60 RON / Books-Express /
Huckleberry Finn had a tough life with his drunk father until an adventure with Tom Sawyer changed everything. But when Huck’s dad returns and kidnaps him he must escpe down the Mississippi river with runaway slave Jim. They encounter trouble at ever

Oxford Children’s Classics: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Pret ≈ 40 RON / Books-Express /
What are you looking for?Danger! Adventure! Excitement! Fun! After escaping from his cruel father Huckleberry Finn teams up with runaway slave Jim and they head off on a raft down the Mississippi River.But danger is always close at hand – will they s

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Pret ≈ 35 RON / Books-Express /
Huckleberry Finn had a tough life with his drunk father until an adventure with Tom Sawyer changed everything. But when Huck’s dad returns and kidnaps him he must escpe down the Mississippi river with runaway slave Jim. They encounter trouble at ever

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Pret ≈ 31 RON / Books-Express /
Shares with readers an abridged version of the adventures of a nineteenth-century boy and a runaway slave as they float down the Mississippi River on a raft. “We said there was no home like a raft. Other places do seem so cramped up and smothery…but

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Pret ≈ 20 RON / Anticexlibris /
A graphic novel retelling of young Huckleberry Finn’s adventures while traveling by raft along the Mississippi River with his friend Jim an escaped slave in the mid-nin…

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Pret ≈ 45 RON / Bookcity / Alma Books
Widely considered one of the greatest American novels Adventures of HuckleberryFinn tells the story of Huck Finn and his companion the slave Jim as they journey down the Mississippi river after running away from Huck’s alcoholic father and Jim’s owne

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Pret ≈ 41 RON / Books-Express /
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: A BabyLit(R) Camping Primer Take a trip downriver in Huckleberry Finn: A BabyLit Camping Primer. Alison Oliver’s crisp illustrations help little ones learn camping vocabulary such as „raft ” „river ” and „fishing l

The Adventures of Mary Plain: Mostly Mary
Pret ≈ 20 RON / Anticexlibris /
Mary Plain is an orphan who lives with her relatives at Berne Zoo Switzerland. A delightful but rather unusual bear with a huge personality and an appetite to match y…

Adventures of a Waterboy (Remastered)
Pret ≈ 20 RON / Anticexlibris /
‘I was six or seven when I noticed the music in my head. It was there in the classroom on the football pitch at the dinner table when I went to sleep and when I woke …

A Novel Journal: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Pret ≈ 30 RON / Anticexlibris /
Neuitatul duet de rezolvare a misterelor Sherlock Holmes și Dr. Watson se numără printre cele mai îndrăgite figuri din literatură. ”Aventurile lui Sherlock Holmes” est…

Pret ≈ 18 RON / Anticexlibris /
Brothers from different mothers bromancing history to save us from Trump. These are the continuing adventures of Barack Obama and Joe Biden time traveling superheroes i…

The Adventures of Leeroy and Popo
Pret ≈ 15 RON / Anticexlibris /
The full colour strip follows the misadventures of a couple of slacker extraordinaire adolescent friends as they loaf around trying to hook up with girls and generally a…

Pret ≈ 30 RON / Anticexlibris /
Full of daring mischief and adventure Tom Sawyer is forever getting into trouble. After he and Huckleberry Finn witness a murder in the graveyard they run away to an is…

Pig 03: The Super Amazing Adventures of Me, Pig
Pret ≈ 18 RON / Anticexlibris /
The hilarious sequel to THE UNBELIEVABLE TOP SECRET DIARY OF PIG. Pig couldn’t be happier. Life with the vegetarian farmers is perfect and best of all he has a new frie…

The Real Story of Risk: Adventures in a Hazardous World
Pret ≈ 13 RON / Anticexlibris /
We live in a world of risk. It waits for us in our refrigerator and surrounds us on the freeway. It’s lurking in our arteries and sitting in our 401(k) accounts. Given t…

Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Legend Classics)
Pret ≈ 20 RON / Anticexlibris /
Sawyer is now so emblematic of a particular time and place in American history that it boosted the tourist industry of Hannibal St. Louis – where the novel is set and …

Unlikely Adventures of the Shergill Sisters
Pret ≈ 20 RON / Anticexlibris /
Grab your passport and let the Shergill sisters take you on a journey…

Pret ≈ 13 RON / Anticexlibris /
Whether it’s an umbrella cockatoo who’s not eating a depressed chinchilla a pregnant potbellied pig or a ferret possibly needing surgery exotic animal vet Laurie Hes…

Pret ≈ 62 RON / Libris / Theodora Goss
The Sinister Mystery of the Mesmerizing Girl is the 3rd book in The Extraordinary Adventures of the Athena Club Series. Mary Jekyll and the Athena Club foil a plot to unseat the Queen and race to save one of their own in this electrifying conclusion

Aventurile Mariei in lumea banilor. Maria’s Adventures in the World of Money – Simona Misir
Pret ≈ 38 RON / Libris / Simona Misir
Editie bilingva: romana-engleza Educatia financiara poate incepe la orice varsta dar cu cat este inceputa mai devreme cu atat va aduce rezultate mai bune pe termen lung. Educatia financiara poate fi comparata cu un joc de lego. Fiecare piesa pe care

Sherlock Holmes – The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Pret ≈ 60 RON / Bookcity / Titan Books
Sherlock Holmes – The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes